She looked up from her phone in confusion when Bakugo set rolled omelettes in front of her after a while. He sat across from her, already munching on his omelette.

"What?" He asked when she kept staring at him.

"I already had breakfast." She replied, setting her phone down.

"Whatever. I already made it now. Eat it."

"I ate four slices of toast. I can't."

"Toast is all you ever fuckin' eat for breakfast." He rolled his eyes, "Now shut the fuck up and eat it before I spoon it down your throat."

"You're so romantic." She snickered. He scowled at her, his cheeks red.

Yoshiko picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of the rolled omelette and brought it to her mouth. She noticed his omelette was a little more redder than hers. He kept the spice to a minimum just for hers. She grumbled to herself, looking down at her plate. Why was he so stupid and caring at the same time.

"Is it spicy?" He asked. "Don't tell me it is. I literally put less than half a spoon in there."

"No, it's perfect." She replied, not looking up from the plate.

"Then why is your face red like that."

She looked up into his crimson eyes, her stomach swirling with warmth and butterflies, "It isn't the omelette. It's you." She couldn't help but smile when Bakugo's mouth hung slightly open, his ears going pink. The other night, she told him she liked him, but the emotion she felt was too strong for it to be just that.

"Yoshiko..." Her name slipped out from his mouth, his voice soft, "about that night-"

"Mmmmmmm, my neck hurts so bad." Mina sleepily stumbled into the kitchen, hand behind her neck, eyes half closed. She glanced at Bakugo and Yoshiko, a grin making its way to her face, "Oh, hey! You guys are eating together. Did y'all make up?"

"Yeah," Yoshiko muttered, pissed Mina had to come in at the wrong time.

"So, are you guys...?"

"No," Yoshiko replied.

"You guys are taking things so slow. It's killing me." Mina stole a piece of rolled omelette from her plate.

"That aside, wanna explain that thing on your neck?" Yoshiko gaped at the purple bruise just under her ear. Mina's face went through ten shades of red, "Me and Kiri are going out now."

"HUH?" Bakugo and Yoshiko exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, while you two were too busy being mad at each other, Kiri and I were making out." She smirked.

"Good for you, girl." Yoshiko smiled at her pink friend. Mina winked in response.

"Anyway, back to the point. Where do you guys stand now." She asked, opening her mouth for Yoshiko to put another bite of omelette inside, making Bakugo's eye twitch in annoyance.

"Oh, wow, look at the time!" Yoshiko shoved a bite into Mina's mouth and got up from her seat, "I have to get ready and fill Bear's food bowls."

Yoshiko went up to her room and stripped, changing into her school uniform. She wore leggings with her skirt since it was slowly getting too cold for her legs. While she was in the middle of brushing her hair, she heard a notification on her phone to see 'Rabid Pomeranian.' She picked it up and clicked the notification to see the text.

Rabid Pomeranian: Where do we stand?

Solar Panel: We're in inbetweening.

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