Chapter 7 Wonderous Discoveries.

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Chapter 7 Wonderous Discoveries

Tang Yun's telltale grin covered his face "A shen barrier?" As he lifted his eyes with excitement, he surveyed his world, sensing the difference right away. His body went stiff, caught staring at two distant golden lights, that shone almost as bright as the sun.

Side by side, their vibrant energies intertwined, converging into two shen domes. While encircling each dome, intricate silver runes weaved together, forming a symphony of interlocking circles. With pulsating intensity, the runes glowed and flickered, as if carrying the secrets of ages past.

His mouth opened, acknowledging the surprise, as the speed of his movements and swiftness of spiritual awareness was astonishing. Within the time of an eye roll, he appeared between the two alluring domes.

Tang Yun's face froze in delight, he beheld a sight before him—a shimmering, translucent barrier like liquid sunlight radiating outward from each of them. Its glowing, shimmering liquid cast a surreal rippling light on his surroundings.

With a gentle touch, Tang Yun's delicate finger, poked the barrier. Eyes sparkling as he watched the liquified shen rushed to the tip, its touch felt like a warm embrace as it enveloped his finger then hand before flowing back to the translucent barrier unmarred by his touch. The barrier remained unchanged.

"Who knew that's where they lived?" He mumbles. Tang Yun paused to brush back the strands of hair which had fallen over his eyes.

A tiny, high-pitched giggle slipped out from his lips, unable to be contained. "I've found them, I really found them, those pesky long-lost San Seals," he exclaims.

Tang Yun planted his hands on his hips, shaking his head in disbelief before releasing a soft, ethereal sigh.

"This should finally put an end to his nagging, I can tick that off the list of things I've never bothered with." A sly smile sneaking across his pale face, his wiry form radiating satisfaction.

He clapped his hands together with joy, the resounding sound filling the surrounding glade.

Tang Yun's watched three energies swirl and crash together inside the dome walls, their pulsing energy intrigued him. Caught unblinking before cocking his head to the side as he tried to understand the composition of these energies. His skin felt the palpable presence of shen, the spiritual power, intertwined with the delicate strands of soul qi. Yet, there's a third energy, a strange sensation, that he could not quite grasp.

He rubbed his thumb and fingers together as his eyes light up, "wouldn't this be fun to play with?" he says. Yet, out of nowhere, a ringing sound echoed in his mind, hearing the warning bells the risks of attempting to manipulate forces he had no control over.

"Master will have the answer," he affirms. "Best leave these alone."

His itching hands left unfulfilled. Before his face broke into a wiry grin, his eyes flickering with a mischievous spark.


A chuckle escaped Tang Yun's lips as he reminisced about the roguery he caused by San sealing his now best friends on the very first day of class. The sizzling sound remained vivid in his memory as the San Seal bound their hands, the heat biting their palms.

A finger traced over his astral hand, feeling nothing but smooth skin - curious what remained of the scaring on his physical palms now after the healing? Caught thinking about the past, he remembered saying, "why care about his San Seals? After all, his two San sisters lived right next door". Remembering raising his hand nonchalantly at his teacher and master, only to let it fall with a dismissive gesture, before sweeping his gaze away.

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