Chapter 5 Changing one's future! The Cure?

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Chapter 5 Changing one's future! The Cure?

Lost in thought, Tang Yun pondered the significance of this transformation. Could it be that the key to unlocking his true potential lay in the mastery of his spiritual sea? Was this the path he needed to take in order to harness the full power of his cultivation?

A surge of determination coursed through him, fuelling his curiosity and propelling him forward. He made a silent vow to explore the depths of his spiritual sea, to unravel its secrets and unlock the hidden potential within. With each passing moment, his resolve grew stronger, and he felt a newfound sense of purpose stirring within his soul.

His short-lived happiness was soon overshadowed by the realization that he had overlooked a crucial aspect. Furrowing his tiny face in pain, Tang Yun shook his head in frustration. How could he fix the problem he had stumbled upon? Every time he managed to address one dilemma; another one arose. His ghost-like hands rested on his astral hips as he pondered the challenge before him. How could he remove the excess soul qi that had absorbed into his broken and swollen body? The overflowing state of his Soul Well and qi vortex only added to his predicament. It felt like a chain of terrible events, all happening at once.

Tang Yun meticulously examined his pale body while absently mindedly rubbing his astral chin, searching for any clues or signs that could lead him to a solution. From the top of his head to his feet, he scoured every inch of his real body. And then, his attention was drawn to his blood. It appeared almost jelly-like, thickened by the abundance of soul qi that had engorged within.

The deep, rich red colour of his life fluid remained unchanged, yet it seemed stagnant, unmoving. How was it possible that he still lived with such an abnormal condition? He shook his little head, realizing that this was a matter for grown-ups to worry about. Closing his ethereal eyes, he stored this newfound information away in his mind, knowing that it might prove valuable in the future.

He noticed that his blood had become thicker and more condensed, contrasting with the wispy nature of his soul qi. Comparing the consistency within his fist-sized Soul Well its soul qi was it was virtually air, he realised there was a significant disparity. The excess qi that swirled around the Soul Well also shared the same wispy quality.

An idea sparked in Tang Yun's mind. Could it be possible to condense his soul qi, making it denser and more compact? Perhaps this could ease the strain on his overworked Soul Well and allow it to contain the excess energy more effectively. With a shrug, Tang Yun decided it was worth a try.

Tang Yun's arm rose, his hand reaching out to grasp something imperceptible. With a determined pull, a small tendril of shen energy materialised. In an almost transparent form glistening in the light. As it contacted his skin, it felt like damp air, wrapping around his ghostly hand with a silky, water-like ripple. A knowing grin spread across his face, his skill improving with each moment.

With growing confidence, Tang Yun extended his pudgy index finger towards his Soul Well. While fixating his gaze on the swirling chaos before him. With a deft roll of his wrist and a flick of his middle finger. A droplet of shen embarked on its journey.

Tang Yun mentally guided the spiritual will. In mere moments, it seamlessly merged with the vortex that encompassed his crammed Soul Well. The clash of energies was palpable, akin to the age-old struggle between oil and water; forever resistant to one another.

As the soul qi tornado raged in the centre. The shen radiated outward like a centrifuge forced to the edges. With his spiritual energy stretched, trying to envelop the vortex with its ethereal presence. It had the potential to form a protective boundary, containing the energies within.

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