Chapter 6 Snow White or the Devil Within

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Snowflakes descended wistfully from the inky sky; delicate shapes twirling and swirling as they drifted to their descent. Each ice crystal a unique masterpiece of pure perfection, with intricate rune like patterns and crystalline edges. They glided through the restless air, sparkling in the moonlight, before settling gently on the haunted ground, creating a cold blanket of beauty.

Tang Yun's fiery silhouette stood tall against the snowy landscape; his legs splayed wide. Long black hair fluttered behind his delicate ivory face, brushed by a strong breeze. With agile grace, his arms spread outward. As a snow crystal, unique and delicate, twirled through the chaotic air before skipping gracefully onto his leather white glove. As he watched with his blazing gaze, the snowflake melted, and a wisp of white energy fill the chilled air.

With curling fingers turned clenched, wisps of whiteness squeezed tight. Fierce eyes stared skyward as his fist rose and shook against the night. A sense of tranquillity washed over the grace-fill boy as his hand felt the new power from within. It was a rare moment of glory for a child whose body burned with an unrelenting fury.

Chapter Six. Snow White or the devil within?

On the seventh morning, Tang Yun's grime-covered eyelids fluttered open, unveiling an unusual white glow radiating from deep within his body. This gentle aura, reminiscent of subtle whiteness, enveloped him, bringing a sense of refreshment that was out of the ordinary, unlike his usual awakenings. It even untangled the troublesome knot at the nape of his neck that had been bothering him for ages.

So unnerving, the burning sensation was gone! Leaving him feeling far more on edge.

The boy's brows furrowed in confusion, unable to discern whether reality had merged with his dream, the boundary between the two becoming indistinguishable. A whirlwind of emotions contorted across his dirt-covered face. Yet, amidst the chaos, an undeniable calmness enveloped him, as a wave of well-being rippled through his flesh.

Doubtful, this can't be real. The light of Tang Yun's spiritual perception shimmered like a million fireflies as it cascaded over him, flooding him with answers. The boy remained frozen, his eyes bright as two full moons in the night sky, yet Tang Yun's gaze stayed locked, fixed on the incredible transformation. A once-ailing body now looked almost ice white and yet healed whole. How was this possible? His spiritual senses rang true, confirming this miraculous outcome.

Tang Yun's expression flickered with confusion before swiftly regaining some composure. The lack of visible light made him question the time of day. Were mere moments passing by or hours slipping away unnoticed? Uncertain, he glanced at the feeble, frigid light filtering through the wooden boards barricading the window, while he finally felt the chill in the air in his cramped dormitory.

The cold floor pressed against his bare skin as he leaned against the rough, dirt-covered wall. His body curled in a foetal position, bearing bruises and scratches from his recent misfortune. He couldn't deny that he had seen better days, but in that moment, he found solace in the simple fact that he was still alive, still breathing.

Covered in a thin dusting of white dust, an unusual sight, he thought? Tang Yun rolling his eyes, in disgust, before muttering. "Dog turd."

Ha Ha.

A laugh escaped his parched lips before his fingers rang over the white coating. It felt very fine also most powder like. He thought, "Was this his snow? His dream?" He felt like such a fool. A deep scarlet tint spread across his face, resembling a chrysanthemum in full bloom.

Tang Yun's jaw trembled, so shocked by the dream-like quality he was in, that he froze. His eyes flickering from each corner of his destroyed room. He took the time to breathe deeply, and the comforting scent of ink and old books greeted his sense. The familiar smell filled his nose and briefly eased his mind, so much happen so fast, yet this stays the same.

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