Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?

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Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?

Indeed, the older Tang Yun was well aware of the benefits that came with each additional ring. Even the minor increments between major tiers brought improvements, although to a lesser extent. The contrast between someone at the Innate Full Qi novice class. At rank ten and someone at the eleventh rank would be noticeable in terms of physical strength, speed, and qi force. However, the true transformation occurred with each major breakthrough, resulting in significant enhancements to both the cultivator's body and power. Not to mention the additional advantages provided by the ring construct.

Even at seven, the strength and speed of a cultivator with ring weaving skills would far surpass that of an ordinary person. A single strike from an empowered fist could inflict serious injury on someone who had not awakened their own qi. As the cultivator advanced to the middle stage of being a ringed novice, the power gap would only widen further. It would not be uncommon for them to be able to kill an opponent with just one punch.

Knowledge offered no solace to Tang Yun; fresh tears streamed down his face, mingling with his uncontrollable sobs. The magnitude of his situation bore down upon him relentlessly, overwhelming his senses. As he opened his astral mouth in a moment of realization, it became apparent that his Soul Well had surpassed its limits, reaching a point of overflowing.

When his cultivation had accumulated and propelling him to breakthrough to the apprentice level. His soul qi must have reached a new peak during his slumber. A surge of emotions engulfed him as he contemplated the implications of such a breakthrough for a mere six-year-old. The consequences were inevitable: once his body could no longer contain the unbridled soul qi, it would lead to his physical form shattering or, worse yet, a catastrophic explosion. Either way, it was a death sentence.

A cynic by nature, Tang Yun's suffocating awakening brought him face to face with the grim reality of his body on the verge of explosion. Anguish contorted his face as he witnessed the dire image his mind presented. And with each faint, wheezy breath that left his body, the inevitability of his impending demise became all too real.

Overcome by fear, his astral self-shifted to survey the damage in his lower dantain in search of a solution. A clear whisp of soul qi led him straight to the broken Qi Soul Well. Deep within his abdomen, the central region known as the golden forge in his lower dantain. Tang Yun lifted his gaze to display a fragile, young face with a creased forehead wrinkled in concentration. His black pupils flashed with a pale white light when enraged by the sight of soul qi running wild.

With a face devoid of emotion, Tang Yun's disdainful stare fell upon his unruly qi energy, as if mocking its rebellion. In an act of determination, he slammed his foot down forcefully against his own body, a silent command to regain control. As if guided by an innate instinct, his ethereal presence drew his arms closer to his chest, drawing upon the shen energy that emanated from his mother's spiritual sea. This was yet another skill that seemed to come effortlessly to Tang Yun, his tongue unconsciously rubbing against his lower lip as he focused his concentration. His keen eyes observed the faint but visible formation of an energy ball, gradually coalescing and rippling through his bloated hands, despite the resistance it encountered.

Tang Yun concluded his movements with a swift flick of his wrists, hands, and arms outward. Shooting his shen energy towards a wayward strand of soul qi in his lower dantain. The small orb of mental liquid swiftly surged forward, enveloping the twisted and glassy qi that resembled a slippery eel. However, Tang Yun's control over his shen was still unrefined, and the soul qi strand, possessing a will of its own; wriggled free from his grasp, darting erratically towards a nearby distended organ. In a sudden burst, the qi strand collided with the nearby organ, resulting in a minor explosion.

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