CHAPTER 8: Change - A Leap of Faith

Start from the beginning

He knew all too well the dangers that lurked in his mother's line of work, and she would always implore him never to intervene, but her cry was so heart-wrenching this time that he couldn't ignore it.

Without a second thought, Daisuke rushed forward and burst into the bedroom through the old door. The sight of his mother in distress fueled his determination to protect her.

The man raised his arm, intent on striking her again, and Daisuke's young but fierce spirit ignited as he witnessed the man's cruelty.

Channeling all his bravery, he quickly moved in behind the unsuspecting bastard and delivered a powerful kick to his sagging genitals, causing him to collapse to his knees in excruciating pain.

"Ah, fuck! You goddamn brat!" he roared.

Seizing the moment, Daisuke hurried to his mother's side on the bed. She was shaken and wrapped in the tangled sheets, her face stained with blood and tears. But, before he could ensure her safety, the man regained his footing.

Outraged, his face twisting into a ghastly mask, the man lashed out at the source of his turmoil, his rage uncontrollable. A strong right arm sent the child crashing into the floor, and then a barrage of heavy kicks and stomps assaulted his body without mercy.

Daisuke's fingers convulsed with each attack, and his body writhed in pain, ragged breaths tearing from his lungs. His small frame was no match for the adult's brute force.

As timid and hopeless as she was before, the mother's temperament completely changed the moment she spied her son in mortal danger.

In a desperate act of self-sacrifice, she took a daring leap of courage. She lunged at the vile man, unleashing all her pent-up rage and frustration. With an instinctive ferocity, she sank her teeth into his ear, tearing off a piece in a wild attempt to protect her son and herself.

"You whoring bitch!"

The bastard let out a scream of agony, shocked by the retaliation. The pain and alarm in his eyes were evident as he clutched his bleeding ear. Overwhelmed by the injury and the unexpected resistance, he clumsily grabbed his clothing and fled like a cornered dog.

"You'll both pay dearly for this!" He threatened one last time before he was out of sight and sound.

Ignoring the ominous warning, Daisuke's mother rushed over to his still form, gathering him up in her arms while shedding tears and apologizing profusely.

Daisuke had hoped the traumatic encounter would prompt a change in the woman's lifestyle, but it was wishful thinking. Like the Robinsons, she was as stubborn as a mule. As soon as the swelling on her face subsided and the bruises faded slightly, she returned to work.

However, one significant change did occur because of the incident: Daisuke was no longer afraid of the unknown.

After being beaten to an inch of his life and left with a death threat, he resolved to become more spontaneous and daring.

Caution was a necessary virtue, but excessive caution could lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. If he wanted answers or change, he needed to bravely seize them.

And so, for the first time since his birth, Daisuke made the conscious decision to step outside. His heart raced in his chest as he took a deep breath and pushed the wooden door open. A rush of hot air greeted his face, causing him to squint against the brightness of the sun's rays, which were stronger and harsher than anything he had experienced in the past seven years.

He felt a surge of fear and curiosity as he waited for his eyes to adjust. And, when they did, he gasped.

A bleak and barren landscape, full of dirt and trash, filled his gaze. The slums were a maze of shacks and crude dwellings made of hide, crammed together in a chaotic and crowded fashion.

People dotted the streets. They were filthy and ragged, garbed in torn clothes and carrying bags or baskets loaded with what they had scavenged. The unhealthiest of them were begging, others were talking, arguing, or fighting, and most were sleeping the day away—preserving the little energy they had in the face of the broiling sun.

Daisuke felt a pang of sadness and pity at the realization that this was his home. In the midst of this depressing community is where he had been living for the past few years. He wondered if there was anything better out there, or if this was all there was to this mysterious world.

For a moment, he wondered if he was in hell, but then shook his head and tried to focus on his goal.

First thing's first, he thought to himself. I need information. What's happened to me can wait. My priority right now is to figure out a way to become self-sufficient, for both mom and me.

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