"No idea, but I'll be here for 7am" George replied. 

He had been organizing your equipment room for you over the past week and he was almost done. A few early morning starts and you could once again see your racking and supplies thanks to George's OCD behaviour. 

"I'll confirm Lyla for makeup" 

You texted your friend a reminder and makeup artist who helped you out from time to time.

"Ok, see you tomorrow bright and early George" 

You tidied up your office and left for the day. 

"Later boss lady!" he waved, and you rolled your eyes at him. 

You made your way home to relax and plot out some poses and set arrangements for the dreaded photoshoot, sending them to George so he could dig out the props and set design from the storage room. As much as you hate doing calendar photo shoots, you still had to be professional about it since it was your name everyone would see associated to the images.

You woke up with a groan then you rubbed your eyes and flopped back under the warmth of your covers for a few minutes longer. 

"These pay the bills, these pay the bills" you chanted to yourself. 

You got up, got yourself ready, ate a few bites from a rough looking take out container you weren't sure when it was from, grabbed a coffee, and headed into your loft to set up for the shoot.

 "Morning George!" 

You saw him bent over a few boxes in your equipment room. He sent you a small wave over his shoulder while you unpacked your bag and set it on your desk. You answered some emails and paid some bills while you waited for your appointment. 

Lyla wandered in and you waved at her while you were on the phone finishing up. 


You helped her set up a few chairs and lights so she could work. 

"This is exciting!" she gushed at you. 

She was a huge fangirl of the Avengers and knew each of them by their names, dates of birth, favourite colours, foods, and anything else they may have said in public as she kept tabs on them religiously. 

"Calm down girl, this is work and you're getting married soon" you reminded her, and she rolled her eyes at you. 

"I know, but I can still LOOK" she shrugged. 

She was engaged to George's older brother as George giggled at his future sister-in-law. 

"Don't make me text Lucas and tell him about you drooling over the Avengers" he teased. 

"Pfft, he knows I'm obsessed anyways, plus, I can't marry ALL the Avengers anyways. I love Lucas too much" she winked at him, and you chuckled.

An hour later, you heard some commotion coming from the elevator as the doors opened and out came a group of men. 


 "Anyone here?" 

You heard a few voices call out. 

"In here" you replied .

You were busy setting up your cameras and lights. 

You turned around and your mouth fell open at what was in front of you. 

"Um are you Y/n?" came a tall blonde man, who's shoulders were wide, narrowing down to his small waist. 

Holy hell he was a looker. 

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