The Fate of Lightspeed Part 1

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Out in the desert, Ryan was back in the tomb, wiping away the cobwebs from the wall in order to read the inscriptions. As he was wiping away one set of inscriptions, he then sees the gold key.

He touches it and the key lights up as it comes out of the wall. "The golden key the sorcerer told me about." said Ryan. "This is the key that opens the tomb."

As Ryan held the key in his hand, the writings in the tomb lights up in a green light. Ryan faces the key towards the writings and it shows him a vision. He then sees a Batling Army, moaning and growling. "Oh, no." said Ryan.

At the Aquabase, Captain Mitchell was talking to the rangers. "Ms. Fairweather, can you give us an update?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. We are working on the Omega Megazord." Ms. Fairweather said as she walks towards the other side of the room.

"Well, does that mean the other Megazords are back online?" asked Carter.

"For now, only the Life Force Megazord is operational." she tells him.

"Diabolico and Olympius are gone...." said Joel. "The Queen's even madder than ever."

"I'll say." said Jade. "She way more madder than you are, mom."

"Rangers, do you read me?" Ryan said, calling into the Aquabase.

"Ryan?" asked Dana. "What's going on?"

"I've found out the queen's plan." said Ryan as he held the gold key. "You have to stop her."

"What is it?" asked Carter.

"She's trying to resurrect all the demons from the shadow world." Ryan tells them.

"Uh-oh." said Jade.

"The ceremony's going to happen...." Ryan started to tell them when the fire in the tomb went out.

"Ryan?" asked Dana. "You've cut out. Are you there?"

"Its going to happen, all right, and no one is going to stop it." said Queen Bansheera as she appears before Ryan.

"No!" screamed Ryan as Queen Bansheera laughs evilly, grabs the golden key and takes him as her prisoner.

"The Queen has Ryan." said Chad.

"What are we going to do?" asked Joel.

"She'll probably take him to Skull Cavern." said Carter. "I'll go and get him."

"No, Carter." said Dana. "I'll go."

"I can take the Mobile Armored Vehicle." Carter tells Dana. "The Queen would never expect it."

"Of course not, because it's crazy." said Chad.

"I agree." said Captain Mitchell. "It's very risky."

"Carter...." said Dana.

"Don't worry." Carter assures her. "I'll bring him back."

At Skull Cavern, Batlings dragged Ryan across the room. "Well, its good to see we're finally making some progress." said Jinxer, seeing Ryan in their arms. "Ooh, my queen."

"Lock him up, and make sure he never gets away." Queen Bansheera ordered and the Batlings dragged Ryan away.

"Good work. Now get a move on." Jinxer tells the Batlings. "What next, your highness?"

"It's time to release the Batlings." said Queen Bansheera. "I don't want those meddling rangers interfering with my ceremony."

"Right away, my queen." said Jinxer, giggling. "Little Batlings take to the wing, rise up and destroy everything."

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