Riding the Edge

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At a park, a woman was jogging alongside her dog. "You're doing great, Dorsie." said the dog owner. She then stops for a moment to tie her shoe when Dorsie walks away and goes into the street. The owner looks up after she finished tying her shoe to see that her dog wasn't next to her and looks out into the street.

"Dorsie!" shouted the owner and runs after her. "Dorsie, no! Come back here!"

Dorsie had reached the middle of the street and planted her furry butt down when her owner went after her, only to be stopped by a passerby. "Dorsie! Dorsie!" said the owner, calling for her dog. "Dorsie! Dorsie!"

Suddenly the man who was driving a red car sees the dog sitting in the street and makes an effort to stop his car. Suddenly Kelsey sees what was going on and jumps over a car, blading towards the dog. The driver tries to stop his car and spins to the side just as Kelsey picks up the dog. "I got her!" shouted Kelsey.

"Look out." said Dorsie's owner as a truck driver honks his horn, causing Kelsey to turn around and go underneath the truck bed. "Dorsie. Oh, thank you so much."

"No worries." said Kelsey.

"I'm Nancy. This is Dorsie." said Nancy

"Kelsey. Nice to meet you both." said Kelsey.

"You must be crazy, but I'm very glad that you are." Nancy said.

"Crazy is my middle name." Kelsey replied, causing Nancy to laugh a bit. "Well, I got to go. Nice to meet you, Nancy. See you later, Dorsie."


"I've grown tired of these pesky power rangers." said Diabolico. "It's time to reclaim Mariner Bay. Then we can finally rebuild our place."

"Diabolico, let me go and take care of them." said Loki. "I can handle it."

"I wouldn't if I were you." said Vypra. "We need a monster the rangers can't get to."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"She's right." said Diabolico. "Vypra, you just given me an incredible idea. Jinxer, time to create."

"What did you have in mind?" asked Jinxer.

"Something that will blow everyone away." Diabolico tells him.

"My pleasure." replied Jinxer, taking the card from him. "Tornado winds blow from the east, transform this card to a monstrous beast."


"Bring us a demon that will make the queen proud..."

"Mama." said Impus.

"Now!" shouted Jinxer and a demon appears in front of them.

"You're absolutely perfect." said Diabolico.

"Whirlin at your service." said the demon, introducing himself.

"We bring you this special report from nine five news." said a man on tv.

"In the news today, Mariner Bay's Space Development Program is launching its new shuttle." said the female reporter. Dana was reading one of her text books, eating pretzels while Jade does her homework as both of them listened to the news.

"As final preparations are underway, a spokesman for the space program has announced that this shuttle flight will launch a low-orbit flight." said the reporter as Kelsey walked in and takes the pretzel out of Dana's hand.

"This mission will be flown by first time pilot, Nancy Cooper." said the reporter. "Ms. Cooper is a graduate of Mariner Bay's own flight academy..."

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