Ocean Blue

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On a cliffside, a young girl was chained up as the water splashes her. On top of the cliff, Vypra walks towards the edge. "Hey!" Vypra called out, gaining the girl's attention.

"Help me. Please help me." she begged, hoping to be free from the chains. Using her sword, Vypra freed the girl from her chains and swims away from the cliff.

"Thank you so much, whoever you are." said the mermaid. "Thank you."

Vypra waves as the mermaid swims away and Loki walks up. "I can't believe you actually found her." he said.

"Everything is working perfectly." said Vypra.

At the beach, a guy was sitting with his friends. "This guy came up...." he said as he tossed his trash over the side of the pier, unknowing that the mermaid was below him. "You wouldn't believe what he was...."

The mermaid picks up a cup and soda can, floating beside her. The guy's friend then drops his empty cup into the ocean, causing Chad and Jade, who were sitting on their surfboards, to notice what they were doing.

"Hey!" Chad called up to the guys who were sitting on the pier. "Don't throw that in there."

He then paddles towards the discarded trash as the mermaid hides from him. The two guys laughed at Chad. "Oops!" said the guy as he and his friend dumped more of their trash into the ocean. "Oh, butterfingers."

"Oh! It slipped. I'm sorry." said the second guy as the first guy 'stumbles' with his sandwich wrapping as Chad shakes his head. The two guys shrugged their shoulders as both Chad and Jade paddled underneath the pier.

"Is this guy for real?" said the first guy as a smile forms on Jade's face. Chad stands up on his surfboard and kicks the beam, causing the side of the pier to shake and all three guys fell into the water. The mermaid laughs as this as Jade paddles over to them.

"This is what happens when you don't take care of your trash." said Jade once the guys had surfaced.

"You're going to clean this up, right?" asked Chad. "The ocean isn't a trash can."

"You could hurt the sea life." added Jade.

"Yeah, all right. We're going to clean it up." said the first guy as he and his friends start swimming and grabbing their trash. Chad then looks over at the mermaid who was under the pier, laughing at him as she smiled.

"Hi." said Chad. "I'm Chad, and this is Jade."

"Hey." said Jade.

"Whats your name?" Chad asked as she became shy. "Um....do you live around here?"

Just before the mermaid could answer, Kelsey called out to them. "Chad! Jade!" shouted Kelsey. "We gotta go!"

"Coming, Kelsey!" Jade called out, as she paddles back to shore. Just as Chad looked back at the pier, the mermaid was gone. Chad jogs out of the water as Jade wraps a towel around her arms.

"Come on. The captain needs us." said Kelsey as the three take off. Back in the ocean, the mermaid sees Chad and Jade take off with their friend and swims in the direction of the Rover.

"The Communications cable must have been broken. The security cameras on zones C and D are dead." said Captain Mitchell, informing Chad and Kelsey as they walked down the hall. Jade was in her quarters, taking a shower to wash away the salt water of the ocean. "Rangers."

"Do we know where the break is?" asked Carter.

"We've detected a small rock slide here." said Captain Mitchell, demonstrating on the Aquabase model of the rockslide. "The video cables run close by. That's when they must have been damaged."

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