Olympius Ascends

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As Impus' cocoon flies through the city in the sky, it starts its warpath on Mariner Bay. The rangers chased after it but were knocked out of the Rover. "Ryan, you take care of those people. We'll take care of the cocoon." said Carter.

"You got it." said Ryan, then runs off.

"Let's do it!" said Carter.

"Lightspeed Rescue!" shouted the Rangers. They started chasing the cocoon when they were stopped by Vypra.

"Rangers." she said.

"Don't worry about them. Fire." said Carter.

"Wait." said Dana.

"We cant." said Carter and fires anyway.

Due to Carter firing at the cocoon, it caused an explosion and knocked the rangers and Vypra back, creating a rift in the ground. "Did we do it?" asked Carter.

"I don't know, Carter. I'm still on the ground over here." said Jade, still on the ground behind them as she sits up.

Just then, evil laughter was heard through the fire and green eyes appeared through the flames. "Who is he?" asked Kelsey.

"Is it really that little runt, Impus?" asked Loki.

"I am Olympius, son of Queen Bansheera. Bow down before me now or you will feel my power." said Olympius.

"I will never bow down to you!" said Carter as he jumps at Olympius, who then disappears before hitting the ground. Olympius kicks Carter in the chest.

"Hey, get away from him." said Chad as he and the others ran up, firing his blaster on Olympius. Deflecting the blasts, Olympius fires back unto the other rangers.

"No!" shouted Carter as Olympius laughs at their pain. Just as he takes his blaster out of the holster, Olympius grabs it and directs the weapon away from his face.

"I don't think so." said Olympius, taking the blaster and kicking Carter away from him. He then turns the blaster on Carter and fires, laughing as soon as he tosses it.

Carter punches the ground with his fist. "This guy's tough." he said. "But we're not down yet."

Carter runs over to Olympius, throwing a punch, only to be redirected and thrown to the side. "Carter, no!" Dana cried out as Jade runs over to him when Olympius jumps in front of her as she looks up. He then starts taking Dana, Kelsey, Joel and Chad into his body.

"Nice." said Vypra, nodding her approval. "Very nice."

"Now to complete my collection." said Olympius as he walks over to Carter. "All I need is you, red ranger." Just then, Olympius cries out in pain.

"Oh dear." said Jinxer as he rushes over to the prince.

"Whats happening?" asked Loki.

"Oh, no! My prince, you must have use up all your new powers too soon." said Jinxer. "You need time to get use to them. Come with me, I'll take care of you."

"We'll be back." said Loki as they left Carter behind.

"Carter! Jade!" Ryan shouted as he runs over to help him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." said Carter. "But the others. Dana! Chad! Joel, Kelsey! Where are you?"

"I'm fine, Ryan." said Jade. "In pain, but fine."

At Queen Bansheera's palace, Jinxer was tending to Olympius. "Well done sire." said Jinxer as the young prince was catching his breath. "You've managed to capture five rangers. Your mother would be so proud."

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