The Queen's Return

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"Oh, yes this is wonderful." said Jinxer, looking through his telescope as the planets were falling into alignment. "The planets are nearly in perfect alignment."

"Jinxer, it's time to go to Mariner Bay." said Vypra as the Batlings behind her carried torches. "Get Olympius, the ceremony will soon begin."

"Yes, Vypra. I'll get him immediately." said Jinxer, leaving to get the young demon prince.

"Hmm...we have to find a way so we get all the credit and Olympius." said Loki.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Hurry up you fools! Everything must be finished before the alignment!" said Spellbinder, then starts laughing again. "Vypra, we are nearly ready to begin the ceremony."

"Excellent." said Loki. "I will be in charge."

"You!" shouted Olympius, appearing behind them at the temple. "I don't think so. This is too important and you have failed my mother too many times."

"How dare you talk to me that way!" shouted Loki, aiming his staff at Olympius' neck. "You need to learn some respect. For your insolence, you'll spend the ceremony in the skull cavern."

Angrily, Olympius made a fist as he restrained himself from punching Loki. "Come on, we're running out of time." said Loki, walking away.

"Yes, let's go." said Spellbinder, leaving to make sure that they had everything prepared for Queen Bansheera's arrival at the altar.

"I may not be strong enough to stop them now," said Olympius as Jinxer stood by his side. "but I will be. They best not botch this."

"Olympius!" said Jinxer, then turns to the others. "Loki!" Not knowing what he should do, he then follows the young prince. "Olympius."

Driving in the rover, Carter was listening to the radio while Joel was in the back. "What's this, man? Throw some real music on." said Joel, changing the station to country. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm at the filling station and I don't know what to do!"

"You know I can stand the music, but do you have to sing along?" asked Carter.

"Check your carburetor, check your battery!" Joel sang off key to the song as Carter takes a closer look at what was on the road ahead of him and hits the break. "Come on, man. What are you doing?"

Joel then follows Carter's line of sight as they both looked up at the dark clouds circling the city. "Oh man, what is that?" asked Joel.

Chad and Kelsey were seeing the dark clouds on the hill they were skating on as Jade sees it from the park. "Whats going on out there?" Carter asked Captain Mitchell as they looked over at Ms. Fairweather in ops.

"The planets are falling into a very rare alignment." said Ms. Fairweather as they gathered around her. "It appears that they'll all be in a unique formation for the first time in 3,000 years."

"This is the day they've been waiting for." said Ryan.

"What do you mean?" asked Carter.

"When the planets align, they'll have a bring back the queen." Ryan explained. "And if the ceremony works, Mariner Bay's history."

"What?" asked Jade, shocked at this. "Nuh-uh, no way, no how. The only queen that I wanna deal with in my life is my mother standing right there."

"You better believe that I'm the queen." said Ms. Fairweather, deeply blushing.

"That's because you are a queen in my eyes." said Jade, stating the obvious.

"We've got to stop that ceremony." said Captain Mitchell.

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