Lightspeed Teamwork

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In the Skull Cavern, Diabolico and the others gathered around to plot their first move on Mariner Bay. "We must find the Power Rangers' base and destroy it, and them along with it." said Diabolico.

"I've already found it, but its underwater, and you know what water does to us." said Loki.

"The Queen won't be pleased." said Vypra.

"Mama." said Impus, letting out a giggle at the others.

"Jinxer, come here. I need a monster." said Diabolico.

"Oh, yes, sir, Diabolico. Whatever you want." Jinxer said, walking up to them.

"I want a monster evil enough to wipe this whole city off the face of the earth."

"At once, your evilness." replied Jinxer. At the Aquabase, Joel was walking through the hallway, tipping his hat at the ladies.

"Ladies." he said as he walks by. Not seeing where he was going, he runs into a women pushing a cart, accidentally knocking her down.

"I'm sorry. I..." said Joel as he picks up his hat. He suddenly sees the woman he knocks down in front of him, without her glasses on and starts smiling. "Oh dear." she said once she picked up her glasses.

"I'm really sorry." said Joel and starts picking up the cart. "Here, let me help you with this. I'm Joel."

"I'm Ms...Fairweather." she said, introducing herself and takes her hand away from Joel. "You're in quite a hurry."

"Uh, yeah, I have a, um..." said Joel. "Meeting with Captain Mitchell."

"Oh." she replied.

"It's top-secret...probably another one of those life-or-death missions." he tells her.

"Sounds very dangerous." said Ms. Fairweather.

"Yeah, well, uh..." Joel said as he turns to face her. "Danger comes with the job."

"Ha ha."

"This is called a morpher." Joel said, showing her the morpher on his wrist. "You see, I'm the green ranger."

Suddenly his morpher beeped. "Joel, you're late again." said Dana. "You're supposed to be here at this meeting. Hurry up!"

"On...on my way." said Joel and tries to turn it off. "On...on my way. Green Ranger out." Ms. Fairweather smiles at his antics.

"So, uh, maybe I'll see you again, huh?" asked Joel.

"I have a feeling we're destined to meet again." she replied. Joel starts walking away, looking over his shoulder as he does. Ms. Fairweather sighs as he left.

"Too bad that you didn't asked my daughter about this." she said to herself as she touches the necklace that her daughter gave her for her birthday.

"We'll proceed without Joel." said Captain Mitchell as he and the others walked up the stairs. "This is the Weapons Lab."

One of the techs had a fire extinguisher in their hands, putting out a fire. "Everything you'll use to defeat the demons is designed, built, and tested right here." he said and someone pops up from the water. "Ah, I want you to meet the genius behind everything, from your rescue morphers to your newest weapons. Rangers, this is Ms. Fairweather."

"And my mother." muttered Jade, turning her head to the side as Captain Mitchell introduces her to the others.

"Thank you, Captain." she said and gives Jade a pointed look. "Welcome to Lightspeed. Diabolico will stop at nothing to destroy the city. It's my job to make sure you stay one step ahead of him and his monsters. Vincent."

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: Lightspeed Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now