chapter 21

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In the meeting room of the Royal Palace, the atmosphere hung heavy with anticipation and tension as the King sat sternly in his seat at the round table, his brow furrowed with concern. The Marquess, a distinguished figure clad in regal attire, stood before him, delivering his report with a grave demeanor.

"So, you're saying the floating island never reached our shores?" the King's voice echoed through the chamber, laced with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Marquess replied, his tone measured and somber. "In fact, reports indicate that a blinding light was sighted on the distant horizon."

"A light?" the King interjected, his hand instinctively rising to massage his temples as he processed this troubling information.

The floating island had long been a source of dread and devastation for the realm, a relentless force that left a trail of destruction in its wake wherever it roamed. Its monstrous inhabitants, with their insatiable appetite for chaos and carnage, had claimed the lives of countless brave knights, weakening the kingdom's defenses with each merciless assault.

Preparations had been meticulously made for the inevitable clash at the port of Murraya, where the fate of the realm would be decided in a battle for survival. Armies had been assembled, fortifications reinforced, and hearts steeled for the looming confrontation. Yet, against all expectations, the dreaded island never materialized on the horizon.

"It is presumed that the light emanated from the island itself," the Marquess continued, his voice cutting through the uneasy silence that had settled over the assembly.

The King's gaze flickered with a mixture of concern and consternation as he pondered the implications of this latest development. The floating island, with its elusive nature and enigmatic origins, had long been a mystery that defied conventional understanding. What manner of power could manifest as such a blinding beacon of light, piercing through the veil of night like a herald of doom?

"It seems our adversaries are more formidable than we had anticipated," the King remarked, his voice tinged with a note of resignation. "We must prepare ourselves for whatever may come next."

The murmurs of agreement rippled through the chamber, a chorus of voices echoing the monarch's sentiments with solemn resolve. For in the face of such an ominous threat, there could be no room for doubt or hesitation. The kingdom's survival depended upon their collective strength and unity in the face of adversity.

"I think we should send the special unit to the island to check it out," the Count of Elysian proposed, his voice filled with determination as he leaned forward in his seat.

"No can do, Your Majesty. We can't risk it," the Marquess of Shackburn interjected, his tone grave and resolute as he met the Count's gaze with a firm stare.

"But if we don't act swiftly, who knows what dangers may be lurking on that island?" the Count pressed, his brow furrowing with concern.

"We cannot afford to gamble with the lives of our elite soldiers," the Marquess countered, his voice carrying the weight of experience and authority. "The risks outweigh the potential gains. We must exercise caution and prudence in our approach."

The King listened attentively to the exchange, weighing the arguments put forth by his trusted advisors. It was a delicate balance between the urgency of the situation and the need for strategic restraint. As the silence stretched taut in the air, he knew that a decision had to be made-one that would shape the fate of the realm for better or for worse.

After a moment of contemplation, the King spoke, his voice carrying the weight of command. "We shall not send the special unit to the island at this time. The risks are too great, and we cannot afford to jeopardize the lives of our elite soldiers."

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