chapter 8

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As a part of the emergency measures given by the Lord of the region, no merchant shipments are allowed in or out of the domain for 5 months with the aftermath in regard.

Only the battle ships and a few fishing boats were seen on the port.
Battle ships are not even an option and then the only way out would be through the fishing boats.

The boats depart at the first light of dawn and in the evening which was their maritime odyssey.

Evening would be a better option to sneak into the boat as the fishermen will be less vigilant.


When the sun started to set, Silently, she slipped through the shadows. With practiced precision, she stepped onto the dock. The faint rustle of fabric and the soft click of clasps were swallowed by the nocturnal symphony.
Within a few minutes the boat slipped away from the harbor's watchful eyes.

Without wasting another moment, Eva (Acacia) approached the boat with caution. Peering beneath, she navigated the dim interior, her fingers grazing over fishing gear and nets, searching for a hiding spot.

Beneath the weathered floorboards of the boat, a cleverly crafted compartment unveiled itself, a secret sanctuary tucked away from prying eyes. As the she gently lifted the disguised hatch, the musty scent of seawater mingled with the hidden space's unique atmosphere.

After settling herself down she took out a map of the island which gale provided from the space.
Quite a convenient magic.
she unfolded the map, traced the route with her fingertip, navigating the way to the island.

"South. That is where we need to go."

As the boat sliced through the endless expanse of the sea, the area located on the map was looming ever closer.

"Here!" Shouted levi with excitement.

Fueled by an unyielding resolve, Eva leaped into the cool embrace of the sea. The splash echoed a moment of liberation, a decisive break from the constraints of the past.

Immersed in the pulsating energy of the water, Eva's strokes of mana transformed into fluid dance, a manifestation of a newfound connection with the elemental power beneath. With each graceful movement, currents responded, propelling her into the depths like a celestial swimmer in an aquatic ballet. Surrounded by an ethereal glow, she navigated through the enigmatic world below, where the sea's essence responded to a symbiotic bond.

"Where is the current Gale?"

"You have to feel it ,to know".

Eva engrossed herself with the sea. Caught in the embrace of a serendipitous sea current, Eva's vessel glided effortlessly toward the distant island. Nature's invisible hands guided the journey, weaving through the open expanse with a fluid grace. The current whispered tales of maritime enchantment .As the island's silhouette grew sharper on the horizon,

She surrendered to the rhythmic pull of the current-a maritime pilgrimage guided by the whims of the sea, an integral chapter in her life.

The beauty of the journey ends here.
What awaited was an eerie island. That was coming forward.

Shrouded in an otherworldly mist, the floating island emerged from the depths, a spectral presence on the tranquil waters. Its ethereal beauty clashed with an unsettling aura, as if it harbored secrets untold for centuries. Veils of fog clung to the gnarled trees that crowned the island, giving it an elusive, almost transient quality.

The air around the island carried a haunting melody, whispers of forgotten tales and echoes of a bygone era. As the she approached, the very water seemed to recoil, creating an enigmatic barrier.

she traversed the island, a silent witness to its past .
The air was thick with the scent of history, each step echoing through the remnants of a forgotten era.

Moss-covered stones cradled secrets, and ancient trees, with branches entwined like spectral sentinels, stood as guardians of time.

The island's labyrinthine trails led her through clearings and shadowy corridors of wines, unveiling a tapestry of mysteries etched into the very fabric of the land.

As she ventured deeper, the island's secrets began to unfurl-a symphony of whispers, the echoes of a civilization long entwined with the verdant embrace of the 'ancient' island.

As she continued forward her path glowed a turquoise blue. In a clearing bathed in an otherworldly glow, the she beheld a large magic stone, suspended mid-air as if defying the laws of gravity.

Radiating an ethereal aura, the stone pulsed with an enchanting energy that seemed to resonate with the very heartbeat of the land .As she approached, the air hummed with a subtle vibration, a harmonious convergence of the magical forces that tethered the stone to the unseen realms. Its surface, adorned with arcane symbols, seemed to dance with luminescent patterns, casting a mesmerizing glow that painted the surrounding foliage in hues of otherworldly brilliance.
The floating stone, the very reason for the island to be known as its name.

"Our domain."

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To be continued..

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