chapter 13

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Entering the bustling city of Eldoria, the air was alive with the sounds of merchants peddling their wares and the laughter of locals echoing through the streets.

Amidst the vibrant tapestry of the main city, Seraphina and I overheard a fervent conversation."There's an auction today, and rumor has it they'll be featuring something truly special," a passerby whispered excitedly.

Intrigued, we followed the murmurs to the heart of the city, where a grandiose auction house stood. A banner fluttered in the breeze, announcing the evening's event and teasing the presence of a unique item up for bidding.

With the Elderglow Crystals securely hidden, Seraphina and I decided to blend in with the crowd by donning elaborate disguises.

"Ser, let's immerse ourselves in the atmosphere without drawing attention to our recent venture," I suggested.

We found a tailor shop in a nearby alley, where we acquired attire befitting the grandeur of the auction house. Dressed in flowing garments that matched the sophistication of Eldoria's elite, we added mysterious masks to conceal our identities.
As we approached the auction house, I whispered, "Ser , remember, subtlety is key. Let's engage in casual conversations, gather information, and observe without raising suspicion."

Inside, the opulent surroundings of the auction house mesmerized us. Seraphina and I mingled with the crowd, seamlessly blending into the sea of masked attendees. Engaging in common conversations about art, treasures, and the allure of the mysterious auction item, we gathered valuable insights.

The grand moment arrived as the final item of the auction was unveiled—a pair of young half-elves, a girl and a boy, their features mirroring each other in an ethereal dance of resemblance. The room hushed in anticipation, captivated by the mesmerizing sight before them.

As my eyes fell upon the duo, a bright green and golden aura enveloped them, an otherworldly glow that emanated an air of magic and mystery. However, a subtle undercurrent of darkness tinged the edges, an intriguing contrast.

The auction house fell silent as the spotlight shifted to the twin half-elves, their youthful faces marred by the weight of being auctioned off like mere objects. The air shimmered with a bright green and golden aura, a dazzling yet haunting display that betrayed the magic within their beings.

A hushed gasp escaped my lips, shocked by the audacity of selling lives as if they were mere possessions. The twinge of darkness at the edges of the aura only intensified my concern, hinting at a fate darker than the grandeur of the auction house suggested.

Turning to me, Ser whispered, "This is beyond unsettling. How could they commodify these young lives,"

My eyes mirroring her unease,I replied, "It's abhorrent, Ser. We must uncover the truth and find a way to help them. No one should be treated as a mere object for sale."

As the bidding escalated, my heart sank, grappling with the urgency to intervene. The radiant aura now felt like a plea for liberation, a desperate call for someone to challenge the dehumanizing nature of the auction.

As the auction reached its unsettling conclusion, Seraphina and I found ourselves unable to participate due to the lack of enormous funds. However, our hearts remained steadfast in the decision to help the twin half-elves escape their fate.

"Eva, we can't let them be trapped in this life. We may not have the money, but we can find another way to set them free," she affirmed, her eyes determined.

I nodded in agreement, "You're right. We need to act swiftly once they're bought and being transferred. Let's gather information, discreetly."

We immersed ourselves in common conversations with fellow attendees, subtly gathering details about the plans for the twins' relocation. As whispers circulated, we learned of an imminent transfer to a distant estate.

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