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"Please, father... p-please wait," I choked out, desperation lacing my voice as tears blurred my vision. The weight of his judgment bore down on me like a crushing stone.

I could feel the power within me, pulsing with potential, begging for another chance. "If you could just... give me another chance, I'll show it," I pleaded, my voice trembling with the weight of my plea.

But my father's response was swift and unforgiving, his words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade. "There is no another chance, Acacia," he thundered, his anger palpable.

His words pierced my heart like a dagger, the finality of his decision ringing in my ears. "You just had to process your mana and charge it to the orb. It was as simple as that," he continued, his tone laced with disappointment.

The bitter truth of my failure hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of my shortcomings. But my father's next words struck an even deeper blow, shattering what little hope remained within me.

"But fret not, for I have another daughter, who will bring me great honor... my lovely Claudia," he declared, his pride in her a stark contrast to the disdain he showed towards me. "While you, being a dishonor, need not stay here any longer."

my heart breaking as I realized I was being cast aside like a forgotten relic. "I have arranged a carriage for you to be taken to your mother's house. You can stay there. You are no longer welcome here," my father stated coldly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

As I faced the harsh judgment of my family, a wave of despair washed over me, threatening to consume me whole. Rejected and abandoned, I felt the weight of my past sins bearing down on me, each one a painful reminder of my inadequacy.

The awakening ceremony only served to deepen my despair, each moment a cruel mockery of my own failures. While Claudia was celebrated and praised, I was left to wither in the shadows, my own blessing dismissed as inconsequential.

As I was ushered into the waiting carriage, my heart heavy with sorrow, I felt a sense of hopelessness wash over me. My brothers, once my confidants, turned a blind eye to my plight, their silence a damning indictment of their loyalty.

And my stepmother, with her twisted smile and sinister gaze, reveled in my downfall, her satisfaction evident in every glance she cast my way. As the carriage rattled on, the smirk on her face haunted me, a reminder of the betrayal that lurked within my own home.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as the carriage trundled along, each passing mile a painful reminder of the life I was leaving behind. But amidst the despair, a faint voice pierced through the darkness, jolting me from my reverie.

"Get out!" it cried, the urgency in its tone sending a shiver down my spine. Without hesitation, I obeyed, my instincts taking over as I leapt from the carriage and landed on the ground below.

As I watched the carriage careen towards the edge of a cliff, terror seized hold of me, the realization of my impending doom crashing over me like a tidal wave. In that moment, I knew the true extent of their betrayal, the depths of their treachery laid bare before me.

But as the dust settled and the echoes of the crash faded into silence, a spark of defiance ignited within me. I had been forsaken and left for dead, but I refused to let this be the end of my story.

With a steely resolve, I vow to rise from the ashes of my past, stronger and more determined than ever before. Betrayed though I may be, I would not allow myself to be broken by their cruelty.

As I stood there on the edge of the abyss, the stars twinkling overhead, I knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty.

But I would face it head-on, for I was Acacia, and I would not be silenced by their betrayal. With my head held high and my spirit unbroken, I took my first step towards redemption, determined to forge my own path in a world filled with darkness.

(FL above)

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To be continued..

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