chapter 18

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As we approached the entrance of the Inn, I reminded Seraphina to put her disguise back on, knowing that maintaining our cover was essential, especially with the potential for unwanted attention. With our disguise in place, we continued towards the entrance, steeling ourselves.

However, before we could enter the Inn, we were intercepted by Caius, who called out Ser's name with a sense of urgency. His annoyance was palpable as he glanced towards us, his gaze lingering on Levi, who stood beside us in his human form.

"Ava! I've been looking for you," Caius exclaimed, his tone tinged with irritation. His eyes narrowed as he regarded us, clearly displeased by our unexpected presence.

"To what do I owe your presence?" Seraphina inquired, her tone polite yet guarded as she addressed Caius.

"I wanted to show you around, but you were gone the next day itself," Caius explained, his expression softening slightly as he spoke.

"How did you know we are staying here?" Seraphina pressed, her curiosity piqued by Caius's unexpected appearance.

"The other crew members were also here. I came to know that your ship is departing tonight," Caius replied, his tone tinged with a hint of concern.

Seraphina nodded in understanding, realizing that our presence at the Inn had not gone unnoticed by Caius and the other crew members.

"Yes, it is," Seraphina answered, her response not indicating that it was also her first time learning this information.

Caius pressed on, eager to extend his offer. "So, can I show you around?" he asked, his tone hopeful.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline your offer," Seraphina replied firmly, her exhaustion evident in her demeanor. "Me and my friends here have to rest before our next voyage."

With a polite but resolute refusal, Seraphina signaled an end to the conversation, conveying our need for rest and privacy. As Caius accepted her decision with a nod of understanding, we made our way into the Inn.

We had to leave early in the morning as we had only paid for a night.

As Seraphina packed our belongings for our early departure, I began to concentrate, my hands tracing intricate patterns in the air as I focused on setting the coordinates for our return to the island. The process took some time, considering the distance we had traveled, but I remained steadfast in my determination to ensure a smooth and efficient teleportation.

Finally, with the coordinates locked in place, I released the summon on Levi and took Seraphina's hands in mine. With a surge of energy, we vanished from the Inn in the blink of an eye, the world around us blurring into a whirlwind of motion as we were transported back to our haven on the island.

As we materialized in our familiar surroundings, I released Seraphina's hands, a sense of relief washing over me at our safe return.

"Welcome back, master, Ms. Visser," the twins greeted us warmly as we returned to our haven, offering us drinks to quench our thirst. Sensing Levi's request to be summoned back, I quickly understood his need and requested an additional glass.

"Thank you, but can I get one more glass?" I asked, and Elyra rushed to fulfill the request.

Summoning Levi, I introduced him to the twins. "This is Levi, he is a lavargon," I explained, providing them with a brief description. The twins nodded in understanding, acknowledging Levi's presence with a respectful demeanor.

As we settled down, Elyra's ever-present happiness radiated as she joyfully informed us that they had successfully acquired the item we sought. Her cheerful demeanor lifted our spirits, and Seraphina and I exchanged relieved smiles.

"That's wonderful news, Elyra," I praised, acknowledging their achievement with genuine appreciation. "You and Eldan have done a fantastic job."

Elyra beamed with pride at the recognition, her enthusiasm contagious as she shared the details of their successful acquisition. Seraphina and I listened attentively, pleased to hear that our mission had been accomplished without any setbacks.

With two item successfully acquired, we now had four more materials left to gather for our quest. As we discussed our next steps, Seraphina and I carefully considered our options, knowing that each material would present its own set of challenges."We'll need to strategize our approach for obtaining the remaining materials," I remarked, addressing Seraphina and our companions. "Let's review our list and prioritize which ones to pursue next."

As I assigned the tasks for gathering the remaining materials—Starlight Timber, Stormsong Shards, Lunarstone Blocks, and Mystic Vortex Gems—I directed Seraphina and the twins to handle the first three materials together.

"The three of you can discuss among yourselves how to gather the Starlight Timber, Stormsong Shards, and Lunarstone Blocks," I instructed, acknowledging their collective skills and abilities. "As for the Mystic Vortex Gems, I'll handle that one alone."

Seraphina expressed her intention to accompany me, but I gently declined. "Seraphina, I appreciate your offer, but I think it's best if you focus on gathering the other materials with the twins," I explained, considering the need to distribute our resources effectively.

Seraphina nodded in understanding, accepting my decision without hesitation. "Of course," she replied, her determination evident. "We'll make sure to gather the materials efficiently."

With our roles assigned and our plan in place, we prepared to set out on our respective tasks.

As I reviewed the information provided by Seraphina about the Mystic Vortex Gems, I realized that they were located within the kingdom itself. With this revelation, I turned to Levi with a silent acknowledgment.

"It seems we are going back to your homeland," I said to Levi in my mind, knowing that the journey ahead would hold significance for him.

"Back to the Vetiti," I whispered softly, feeling a sense of anticipation for the familiar surroundings.

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To be continued..

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