chapter 1

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"Hey Eva, the usual one? I don't understand why you always pick these kinds of quests,"
a woman in her late twenties questioned with a puzzled expression.

"Lots of money,"

I replied matter-of-factly, my eyes reflecting the confidence gained over three years of growth.

Under the guidance of Sir Graham, my skills flourished, turning me into an adept adventurer in Islerus.
It was during a quest that I encountered Graham, a master swordsman whose expertise surpassed even the Duke and his sons. Despite initial reluctance, he succumbed to my persistent requests, setting the stage for a two-year training that would become engraved in my very bones.

Post-mastery, the quest for a personalized sword led me to a master blacksmith, while the manifestation of mana marked the onset of my journey towards becoming an aura user.


Three years back, on that particular day, the cold night began innocently, but it descended into an icy ordeal. My hands, desperately reaching for warmth, were met with an increasing chill. Attempting to grab a blanket, I found my eyes stubbornly shut, rendering my efforts futile. Numbness enveloped me, extending from my fingertips to my entire body.

The relentless wind howled, breaking the silence with a cacophony of crashing objects. The cold intensified, draining not only warmth but my energy as well. By the time calm settled, I was already surrendered to a deep sleep.

Waking up felt like emerging from an eternal slumber. Sunlight bathed the room, oblivious to the chaos that had unfolded. A gruesome scene met my eyes – torn clothes, shards of glass and ice flying in chaotic directions, and my bed marked with scratches. Strangely, I remained unscathed, not a scratch on me.

Contemplating the bizarre events, I pondered if ice formed from freezing water or if it was the wind's mischievous handiwork. Attempting to calm myself, I unintentionally triggered the phenomenon again – freezing water, blowing wind – a surreal dance unfolding before me.

The realization struck: did I hold the power of wind and ice? Was I not without attributes?

The first occurrence was merely a prelude. The chaos resurfaced, this time with water and lightning in its unpredictable performance. A bewildered me found myself possessing the inexplicable power of four elements.

In the midst of this natural spectacle, questions lingered – was it me causing this? Was I the puppeteer of these elemental forces?

In the wake of that night, where uncontrollable power surged through me, I couldn't remain passive. Determined to master and harness my abilities, I set off for Islerus to commence rigorous training.

Eagerly, I embraced the adventurer's life, taking on quests that tested my mettle and honed my skills.Through my daring exploits, I acquired four invaluable skill cards – acceleration, teleportation, underwater breathing, and high jump. These magical cards held the power to grant extraordinary abilities, either crafted with one's mana or obtained through the guild.

In the heat of battle against formidable monsters, a unique opportunity presented itself. The defeated creatures left behind cores imbued with their distinct skills. Through a delicate process, I merged these skills with my existing cards by bringing them into contact with the cores, enhancing my repertoire of powers.

Yet, one quest stood out from the rest – a challenge so daunting that many had tried and failed. The task? Retrieve a crystal hidden deep within an enigmatic cave, its allure heightened by a tempting reward. Undeterred by the tales of unsuccessful attempts, I seized the quest to push my limits and savor the promised rewards.The location of the cave added an air of mystery, devoid of any human habitation. Determined to succeed, I sought wisdom from fellow adventurers who had dared to face this formidable challenge.

Surveying the guild, my gaze fell upon the one man Lara, the receptionist, had mentioned – a burly figure sporting an eyepatch on the left. Steeling myself for his reputed rough demeanor, I cautiously approached.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hunter?" I ventured.

He met my gaze, his lone eye flickering with intensity. A palpable heat emanated from him. "I-I... I have to go!" he blurted, abruptly running away without a backward glance. Left bewildered, I stood wondering if I had unknowingly instilled fear.

A voice interrupted my thoughts, "I'm sorry, unlike his appearance, he's quite shy and can't even look straight at women. I'm Ruth, one of his friends," explained the man standing nearby.

"Mhm," I nodded in understanding.

"If it's alright, can you tell me why you looked for him?" Ruth inquired.

"Ah, yes. I needed to know more about the quest Mr. Hunter took previously."

"The one with the crystal?"


Engaging in conversation with Ruth, I learned that the mentioned location didn't house a cave.

With each shared tale, my resolve solidified, propelling me toward the cave's depths, armed with newfound skills, unyielding determination, and the promise of discovery.

After probing about its surroundings, I decided to head home. A peaceful night awaited me before I planned to resume my journey early the next morning, armed with newfound insights.

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To be continued..

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