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Subhadra was making herself ready not only to explain to Arjun but also to be embraced by his rage which was burning in his eyes making him look dangerous to no end

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Subhadra was making herself ready not only to explain to Arjun but also to be embraced by his rage which was burning in his eyes making him look dangerous to no end.

"Betrayer! Treacherous! Cheater is the person for whom you are standing against this devil," listening Arjun, Subhadra thought he was referring to Dushashan, but it was someone else.

"Nakul, please bring her along with everyone," at Arjun's command Nakul along with Vandana and whole royal family appeared at the scenario.

"Vandana! Are you fine? Your wellbeing hasn't been hampered, right?" Subhadra rushed to Vandana to check over her.

"She doesn't deserve your care and concern, because she's one who has cheated you. She had disclosed your secret to Dushashan. Even, she was going to leave Hastinapur tonight," Arjun took a short pause before revealing the painful reality to Subhadra.

Subhadra couldn't believe Arjun at first, but Vandana's lowered head was justifying Arjun's words.

"Vandana! Why did you break my trust? Is there any lack of love and respect for you from my side?" Subhadra's voice got chocked remembering her good days with Vandana.

"Sorry, Princess. Being greedy for my life I had lost my way. Prince Dushashan threatened me when I had rejected his bribe," Vandana confessed in a guilty tone.

"Dushashan, how could you stoop this low? Sister in law is equated to mother. This act of yours won't be forgiven at any cost," grandsire Bhishma's stern glare was intended to pierce Dushashan right there.

"Thank you for grabbing my attention towards the question that how you knew Subhadra's secret. You thought I would trust you when you defamed Subhadra. Sorry, but I didn't have any reason to trust you. So, I had discovered the truth on my own," walking towards Dushashan, Arjun patted his shoulder, sarcastically.

"From now onwards, don't ever dare to look at Subhadra. Take it as my first and last warning to you," rage in Arjun's eyes relived again to warn Dushashan.

Taking Subhadra along with him, Arjun left from there followed by everyone.

Reaching at chamber, Arjun banged the door behind with a loud sound which indicating his anger.

"Why did you go to him, that too without informing me? Your real identity was revealed to everyone. What was there to hide about the threat he had sent you through that letter?" Leaving Subhadra's hand which he was holding all the way to their chamber, Arjun grabbed her closer to him by her arms.

"It was about Vandana's life. So, I thought....," she was all sacred due to his stares. She never had imagined this side of him.

"You thought nothing, and went to him. Did you have anything to protect you from himself, any plan or any weapon for self defense?" His voice slowed down giving her chilled vibes on her skin, all dangerously.

"After knowing about Vandana, my only thought was her security. So, I couldn't think anything else," she was praying to Almighty for making him calm down, and for getting her back the affectionate prince she had known before.

"Don't repeat this mistake. Don't ever think to hide anything from me," his gaze got intense over her.

"I am sorry, Arya!" Shutting her eyes tightly, she muttered a quick apology.

"It's getting late. Go to sleep," getting addressed as arya from her mouth his anger melted to a great extent.

Without looking back at her, he walked towards couch, and settled himself there managing his height with the comparatively short length of couch. He had turned his back to her, but he couldn't maintain his position, and decided to get up from the couch for going towards balcony.

When he saw her awake staring at sky he got surprised.

"Haven't you slept till now? Any inconvenience?" His concern got activated, unknowingly. After realising that he made a mental note to change his tone during further conversation.

"I am not acquainted with this place. So, it's difficult to get sleep," she replied.

"Last time how did you get a peaceful sleep?" He was confirming if there's any lack in her comfort.

"When my mother patted my head," a sad chuckle escaped from her mouth.

He went to her, but she sensed his presence near her when she felt his soothing hand started to pat her head, softly. In no time sleep engulfed her making her envelope arms around his waist as he was patting her head sitting beside her.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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