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Entering into Palace, Arjun got ready and went ahead to meet his mother queen Madri

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Entering into Palace, Arjun got ready and went ahead to meet his mother queen Madri. Madri wasn't his biological mother, but after death of Pandu and Kunti she had loved Arjun more than her own son Nakul.

Madri had been indulged in veneration since a few days, deeply. The reason was Pandu and Kunti's death anniversary was about come up on next week which had kept Madri busy in veneration and donation.

That day he found one more new presence around Madri who was arranging everything for veneration. The person was none other than the girl he had seen at garden, playing and talking with the rabbit.

He didn't see her face, but when he look at her his heart declared her as his never ending happiness. Aside the sensation, he had heard her voice, and her appearance had been registered in his mind, of course.

She was stunningly beautiful. Even, that would be an understatement about her appearance. Her fragile figure didn't has any such heavy ornaments, but her felicitated aura had embraced his heart with each kind of ecstasy.

His awestruck eyes kept looking at the girl whole time which was observed by Nakul, all time.

"Bhratashri, I suggest you to shift your gaze at God, and your attention in veneration, even if it's by mistake," Nakul urged in a teasing tone.

"I am attentive, Nakul!" Arjun didn't even spare a gaze at Nakul.

"In a different direction," Nakul chuckled.

"Keep quite! I was just curious about the identity of the girl," Arjun found the excuse to divert Nakul's teasing mind.

"You don't have any interest in internal affairs of palace. That's why you don't know her or else you will have made a good bond with her unlike me," a proud Nakul replied.

"You have a bonding with her!" The possibility of Nakul's bond with her made Arjun's mind alert.

"Yes, Subhi is my newly made friend," Arjun released a sigh of relaxation at Nakul's reply.

"Subhi!" with a smile, Arjun uttered the name.

Arjun's gaze shifted towards his Subhi again after gathering necessary information from Nakul which he didn't notice while blabbering out.

"Yes, she's Subhi. Mata had hired her as a helping hand for arranging veneration in these days. Subhi is even staying in palace. You know, all my friends like rabbits, squirrels, parrots are very fond of her," Nakul started to share further information.

when he didn't get response from Arjun he looked at him, and found that he had transported to his own world which owned by Subhi's thoughts.

"Are you listening me even? I think I shouldn't disturb him. It would be a great sin on my part," Nakul patted on Arjun's shoulder, but as expected Arjun didn't recognize either Nakul's voice or his touch.

On the next day, when Subhadra reached to pluck flowers from garden a pair of hands joined her task, and the owner of those hands were none other Arjun.

"Greetings, Prince Arjun!" Subhi's sweet voice generated solace in air.

"You said something!" In greediness of hearing his name from her mouth again, he acted as if he didn't hear anything.

"I just greeted you, Prince Arjun!" Unknown to his mischief, she uttered his name, again.

"The chirping of birds sound so sweet. Sorry, I couldn't hear what you were saying," he acted once more to get his reward from her.

"I greeted you, and replied about that when you had questioned," her smiling eyes turned into sheer confused ones at his behaviour.

"Actually, I have decided to help you in plucking flowers for veneration so that you can arrange other things earlier," he dropped the idea of listening his name from her mouth as soon as he noticed the sign of being troubled in her gesture.

"That's so nice of you, Prince Arjun. Thank you," she smiled at him making him sharply observant about the curves of her lips.

They both started to pluck flowers, together. More than plucking flowers his attention was on her delicate which were touching flowers, gently, asking permission of plucking those, humbly and plucking those, affectionately.

Suddenly, a throne pricked Arjun due to his inattentiveness. Subhi turned towards him as soon as she listened his whimper. Placing the flower bucket on ground she held his hand to examine that.

Her touch felt him like a cotton feather on his skin. She noticed that no blood was coming out from the finger which was got pricked. Instead of that the finger which got pricked turned into slight red as the throne wasn't that much sharp.

She blew air on his finger through her mouth. He was admiring the shape of her lips while blowing air on his finger, and was enjoying the indirect touch of her lips on his skin.

At a moment he sensed like someone was intensely gazing at them, but his eyes couldn't find anyone.

So, he cancelled the thought, and cherished the moment he got with her.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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