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I was lost for words.

I didn't know what to ask, I nearly wished I could run back to my old house in Australia wake up, go to school, and deal with a mother obsessed with pushing me over my limits to train. I wish I could go back. If only I could switch back to my old life.

I trusted Elena, she promised me, no more lies.

"You said no more lies, Elena," I said motionless told Elena, adding a tone of warning when I said her name.

And of course, like the amazing best friend that I am, I was going to hear her out.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHH YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!?" The actual goose Elena asked me whisper yelling.

"Sophia, is there anything in our skull or is it just there for hooking your brother with Aria?" Elena asked looking at Sophia as you would look at your best friend who went back to her ex. Which reminded me.

I started at Elena waiting for an explanation. Believing I shouldn't even ask for one right now.

"Aria, you're new to this world. Yes, you know enough material to not get yourself killed but that's not even close to enough. The rules. The life we live isn't normal or something I can just ignore."

As mad as I was, what could I say to that? Elena looked at me defeated, I feel like I've seen that look more in the past month than I have my entire life span, knowing Elena. I suppose it made sense why she kept me away from my own parents for so long.

"Then explain why there was so much emotion in whatever THAT was," I asked her exaggerating my hands.

"Oh this is gonna be better than taking your bra at night," Sophia stated with absolutely no shame.

Elena gave her a warning glare, while I blankly stared at her. Usually, I would have explained my own satisfactory feeling, however, the news ahead made me feel like last year's dinner needed a reappearance.

"I don't know where to start.." Elena looked blank.

"How about with MY brother and MY best oh and ARRANGED MARRIAGE?" I winced when I realised how loud I was yelling and felt bad for the old man whose eardrums I probably exploded.

"Yeah that might be a good start, it started a couple months before we were both born. At this time both our families were at war with the Italian mafia. They were just too strong. Merging our mafias was our only option. However, everyone was really reluctant to trust each other so as a contract it was agreed that me and Nikolai would marry when I turned 20. You know, because we're just so modern and this is definitely the best way to keep the peace.

The way she explained it seems so fictional I wanted to laugh but I feared I'd look psychopathic.

"Okay, so mafia marriage. Then what?" Of course, there has to be a dramatic turn so a JUST marriage wouldn't be enough for today.

"Nikolai HATED Elena so much, it was funny. Once he found out his fate he did everything in his power to try and stop the arrangement. Just because Nikolai was in love with someone else....,"

Sophia continue the story filling me in. She explained as if she was telling me a story about a history textbook she read in class. It bothered me how careless she seemed.

Elenas POV

I could barely make out Aria's thoughts, usually, she wore her emotions on her sleeve never bothering to hide them. I'd learnt everything about her, the way her nose would wrinkle when she was concentrating or her genuine laugh compared to the fake one she used when she was talking to someone official. But ever since she's lived with her family she's been quiet and reserved and never shows her emotions. I glanced at Sophia, I'd honestly never really liked her. But I knew if I wanted inside intel then I would have to keep being friends. But something was gnawing at me. It pissed me off that Sophia made herself seem like this saviour and like she was always there for Aria and knew everything about MY best friend. Yes, I may sound like a bitch but back off. Aria is my best friend, my favourite person, the person who I would literally die and kill for.

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