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My thoughts ran like a headless chicken on the run. I wanted to cry and scream but I wasn't interested in making a mockery out of myself. I know how to stay calm under any circumstances I need to shield myself from questions. So I remember being expressionless after casually reading the majority of life was a lie, amazing.

Reading my adopted mother's thought process behind some of the worst moments of my life put a bullet in my chest. I kept having to remind myself that it's over. Belle is already with her grandparents far away from any harm, far away from me. I suppose one thing that came out of this final parting gift was that these people sitting a couple of meters away from me were my real parents. I was tempted to look around the jet just for the main character moment but I could feel heated stares, from almost every person in this jet on my face minus the pilot, even the bloody flight attendants. I genuinely can't stand awkward moments and I always end up making a fool out of myself in an attempt to reveal the tension from those types of situations.

One thing is still unclear, who took me away and left me? I suppose I must figure that out for myself. Before I could plot a further plan, I felt the presence of two people sitting next to me.

They look to be the same age, but appearance-wise they still look different.

"Fraternal twins?" I asked watching the shock on the face, maybe it was because it was the first time they heard me speak, they covered it quickly though. I noticed that's something people in this family are good at.

"I'm Don, this is my brother Ivan, and yes we are fraternal twins," he spoke in a thick Russian accent, similar to Sergei's.

"So do you guys coordinate your outfits?" I asked, always wondering if twins planned it or if it happened telepathically.

They both cheekily smiled before Ivan said, "Oh, absolutely. We have a daily twin telepathy briefing to ensure we don't commit any fashion faux pas. It's like having a built-in style committee!"

I continued the witted responses, "Well, you know what they say, fashion emergencies require a well-dressed response. I sure it's a tough job being that stylish, but hey, someone's got to set the trends"

Besides the sarcasm, they were extremely well-dressed, and in fact, all of them were. If they didn't want to take me so badly I would have been intensely intimated. I looked towards the letter and realised I had been loosely holding it this whole time. I felt a rush of shame, anyone could have taken this and had it freely. Without causing too much suspicion I slowly put the letter in my bag and looked up to see Dom and Ivan, chuckling and looking at me with something in their eyes. Admiration, perhaps? I'm not a fan of receiving an excessive amount of attention, I kept that to myself though.

"I have a question,"

Don nodded while Ivan answered, "Anything."

"Why did you guys give me away?" by this time I noticed we gathered Nikolai's attention too, when I looked over I managed to catch a glimpse of his face darkening.

I watched guilt trip over all 3 of their faces,

"Bit early for the questions huh?" Ivan jokes and struggled with a dead laugh.

I got my answer from the lack of theirs. I gave them a polite nod and sweet smile, although I was irritated. I think Dom wished to say more but I chose to rest my head back and close my eyes. Suddenly the sleep deprivation caught up with me, and I felt like a rock and this chair was a cloud.

Short chapter, bit boring but its almost 2 am and I need sleep. 



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