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The mafia ball was tonight and I had time to kill before I could start getting ready so I contemplated doing some homework. I completed both my English and Math within an hour and was left with nothing to do.

"Hey, sweetie," Mum said walking into my room with Elijah and Leonid.

I haven't talked much with Leonid and Leonardo the second pair of twins. Nikolai and Hayden make it a point to engage in conversation with me every day. They defect most questions about themselves but I've been open with them since Elijah's research files told me more than I shared.

Dom and Ivan are the funniest boys duo. They have a hate-love relationship. It's hilarious.

The rest of the boys I'm super close with since we go to school together. Although 16 years were lost I feel as if we gained so much time in the past couple weeks. As for Belle, she having the time of her life with her grandparents her birthday is soon, so I'll be flying down soon to see her and celebrate. I've missed her so much along with Elena. She said she would see me tonight, Elena had been stressing out and was under the impression that something would happen tonight, she's examined every system there is available. However, there's only a certain amount of precautions she can take, apparently, this is the one night per year all the mafias around the world meet, from alliances and ensure they are able to have an amazing night without worrying somebody is going to stab them in the back, literally.

"Heyy," I said flashing them a smile.

"So, I know this is very late notice but we have somewhere to go tonight, it's a ball and-," I glanced at Elijah who was smirking, I smirked back.

He enjoyed seeing me act oblivious to the situation. Without double thinking, forgetting Mila and Leonid were in the room.

"Yep, mafia ball, no guns, I'll be nice," I said going back to cleaning my room for the second time that day.

Silence. Dread covered my face. Fuck me, man.

I turned back around instantly.

You know how most people would have tried to help their little sister, but no.

This motherfucker Elijah started bawling and laughing.

"It's not what yo-," Mila tried interfering.

I watched as Leonid looked like he was about to maybe punch a giant hole in the wall.

I prayed he would control his anger till he left my room, I don't want a demolished room 4 weeks after I got it.

Elijah cut in, "She knows everything," Mila looked shocked while Leonid glared at Elijah, then me then at my wall.

Well, that worked.

"Will you still stay with us?" Mum inquired, her face reflecting genuine concern.

"Mum, in the last few weeks, you've provided me with a sense of love. I've never felt so valued, loved, and like I truly belong. It's like I've found my perfect place with all of you, so yes I'm staying,"

A smile spread her face and she flashed her dimples, in turn making me smile.

"I am so happy that you are here моя любовь (my love). I want nothing more than for you to feel safe and like you truly belong. Okay, well since you already know the basics it's time you learned the details. Every mafia from the world is coming to this ball. It is imperative for our safety and reputation that you don't mess with the wrong people. Tonight everyone will be staring at you so stay close. Okay?"

"I'll be fine,"

Elijah and Leonid looked skeptical, however, Mila looked at me proudly and gushed at me, "I know you will."

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