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Elijah's whisper echoed emptily in my ear, "Are you prepared for everyone to kill themselves just to become you?"


"Way to boost my ego," I lightly responded sure of the intention of that comment.

He seemed to make it sound funny, however, deep down it bothered him that all eyes would be on me.

I still wasn't positive all eyes would be, but it's what I've been told. Probably an overreaction, if not I'll have to keep a low profile until I uncover exactly how powerful a mafia is meant to be.

I can't lie, until a month ago I parity may or may not have thought mafia's don't actually exist, at least not anymore.

Well, that must mean they must all stay undercover like Elena's parents.

Suddenly I started to feel quizzy, my stomach began to feel pain and my head started spinning.

I felt a horrid feeling I couldn't identify it was gone before I could soak it in. I wasn't complaining,

I hated whatever that was.

"You okay, princessa?" Leonid asked me having his hand on my lower back.

"Yes, of course," I answered without thinking, I really wasn't but that feeling left me feeling like I should stay here and not move an inch.

If it wasn't for how amazing I felt in this dress and makeup maybe I would have stayed but couldn't let this look go to waste, so bye-bye intuition.

Before we left in our cars brothers stared at me studying my face intently, while I tried to understand what was going through their expressionless faces.

I went with Nikolai and Hayden, a while back I found out he often feels like the "blacksheep" of the family, he wants to be a doctor and stay away from the "family business". Smart but not smart enough.

After hearing the new information my respect for Hayden threw through the roof. He was the second oldest, and with so much responsibility he still managed to follow his passions and dreams.

However, with Nikolai, he's always so uptight. I realized he would have been robbed of a childhood, he didn't have the choice on what he wanted to be when he was older, who he wants to marry, who he wants to kim fucking alive.

He reminds me of Elena, Elena and I always used to bring out the children in each other so I try to do the same with Nikolai, maybe it's the same physiological shit from PTSD.

"Hey! Why did you change the radio station? I was listening to that!"

"Relax, your taste in music is like torture. I'm doing us all a favor." Nikolai snarked back looking


"Excuse me? My taste is impeccable! Unlike your weird obsession with '90s boy bands."

"don't diss the Backstreet Boys! They're classics."

"You do you,"

"if Nick Carter was here you'd understand," Nikolai told me.

"Who is Nick Carter?" I asked genuinely

"WHOS NICK CARTER??!!" the car came to a halt as Nikolai turned himself to make face-to-face contact.

"Here we go again..." Hayden managed to fit in making his presence re-known before Nikolai went on some rant about him being a member of the Backstreet Boys.

So now that I have this life-revolutionary information I begin to chuckle in my head, a future mafia leader with a Backstreet Boys obsession, oh Elena is going to lose her ability to walk after hearing this.

SWITCHED ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant