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"May I...I sit here?" the same suspicious girl asked with her head fixated on the ground, barely making eye contact.

Again, even the way she stuttered didn't sit right with me. Nothing seems right.

After my lack of response she looked up, and her expression changed dramatically. She was in pure shock.

I watched her face looking at her "glasses" Well, I was wrong they aren't just plastic, it's a type of technology. Still unsure of what they accomplish. All I know, these glasses are really helping her see everything and every detail.

"It's yours,..... may I ask your name?" I asked her cautiously as she stared at my face, semi-dropping her act.

"Ella," she said quietly.

"No, I want your real name," I had no reason to believe she was lying but this trick always worked.

Her eyes shot straight up, nervous and slightly shaken from shock, receiving my smile. I was right.

"How'd you know, I've been here months and not one person noticed, and suddenly some new girl that looks like God himself made her face and also happens to look like Mila Volkov the wife of the mafi-" she said in a pissed voice as if I just ruined her streak before I interrupted her.

"Okay okay, I apologise, go back to being undercover as soon as you tell me what you're doing here, and yes Mila Volkov is my mother, hence the resemblance," I realised it was the first time I acknowledged any of my family as my family out loud. I'd been doing it subconsciously in my mind.

She studied my face carefully, suspicious. I honestly had no idea what was wrong.

"What do your parents do?" Business? Investments? I guessed.

Suddenly I got the same feeling I got from Elena yesterday on Facetime.

"What do you think they do?" I asked keeping the conversation light-hearted in hopes she'll tell me.

Elena and this girl both know something I don't. Do they know each other?

"Pfft business and whatnot, I don't know all the boring stuff," she said as if she was auditioning for a role in a movie while taking a seat.

I made a mental note to find out who the fuck my parents are, although I desperately hoped it was just a fluke with Elena and this girl. I was finally feeling accepted by this family, this lie might just stab me like a bitch.

"My real name is Sophia, and you're Aria...the lost ma- I mean daughter," she said the last part abruptly.

I jumped straight up out of my seat, yanked the glasses off her face, and broke them like a twig between my fingers and palm.

I watched as her face grew into a grin, "You really are her," she looked strangely proud.

"We will talk later okay??" she yelled out as she practically ran out of the library looking way too excited for a nerd undercover. I noticed she had a slight Italian accent.

Somehow I felt as if I could trust her so I let it be.

Soon it was our first break so I followed the same exit Sophia let from.

I watched as everyone made their place in the cafeteria.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
SWITCHED ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat