Chapter 20

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“You guys I have to pee now” Sadie said. 

“We aren’t leaving you Sadie. We’ll close our eyes, but we aren’t leaving” Jenny said. 

“Do whatever” Sadie said as she unbuttoned her pants. Jenny and I covered each other’s eyes. We heard Sadie peeing, and this was way awkward. We could have left the room, I don’t know why Jenny insisted that we stay. I mean the girl  can pee by herself. But whatever, I guess, that’s what friends did right? Sadie finished peeing or whatever, and we heard the toilet flush. 

“Safe” Sadie said giving us the cue to uncover our eyes. Sadie sat the pregnancy test on the counter of sink, and washed her hands. 

I picked up the instructions off of the floor, and read them. 

“According to this, we have to waited five minutes before we see some results” I said. 

“What! Five minutes!” Jenny squealed as she took the instructions from my hand. 

“Un-freaking-believable!” Jenny said sitting the instructions down. Now all we did was wait.  Five minutes seemed like an hour maybe even longer. We sat and we waited for what seemed like forever. We all just kept staring at our watches, breaking sweats as the clock slowly ticked by. I just couldn’t believe this. Pregnancy was a bitch with a  capital “B.”  I couldn’t believe Sadie slipped up like this. I wonder what kind of mom would she be. I’m pretty sure she’d be an awesome mom, she just didn’t know it yet.  Time was taking forever. 

“Hey it’s been six minutes! What’s it say” Jenny said hopping to her feet. Sadie picked the test up and her eyes widened. 

“I’m pregnant” Sadie said.

“Oh no” I said trying to get up. Why in the hell did I sit my pregnant behind on this floor, knowing damn well I can’t get up. I grabbed Jenny’s leg to get her attention. She looked at me, and I reached my hand out. She helped me to my feet, the struggle was real, I’ll never do that again. 

“I’m really pregnant” Sadie said and then she broke down into a fit of tears. Jenny, and I comforted her, and we walked back in my room. We sat on the bed, on either side of  Sadie, and she cried. 

“You guys, what am I gonna do with a baby! I can’t. I’m not prepared. I don’t even have my own place. My job is crap, and I’m not even sure how my boyfriend will take it. I can’t have a baby now. I’m barely maintaining myself, how am I suppose to take care of a baby! Huh? What am I suppose to do?” Sadie cried. Jenny and I just comforted her, and did all we could do to let her know we were there for her. 

“Well Sadie, you could give it up for adoption” I suggested. 

“No, that makes me a bad person. My child grows up thinking their with their real parents. When it’s all a lie. Then they find out I’m their mother, and I gave them away, and they hate me. And what if I want to get to know the child, they won’t want to get to know me. And it’ll all be wrong” Sadie said wiping her eyes with a tissue. 

“You could do a joint thing like me” I said. 

“No, that’s not the same. Let’s face it, I can’t handle a baby Lydia. I just can’t” Sadie said. 

“Well you have to because, it’s growing inside of you right now. So even if you aren’t ready, you have to get ready” I said. 

“I know, and this all sucks! It sucks so much!” Sadie said. We talked some, gave some  suggestions, and everything. Then we were all hungry. We headed downstairs, and heated up the pizza Jenny brought home, and devoured the junk food as we watched depressing movies on Lifetime. We didn’t talk about Sadie’s pregnancy anymore, and we didn’t discuss or current life issues. We didn’t speak at all. We just sat, ate, and watched the movies. Sadie would just break out crying for no reason. All we did was hand her a tissue, and continue to watch the movie. We talked all we could talk to Sadie. Now there was nothing more to say. After the movies went off, and the food was devoured, we decided to call it a night. We said good night, and went to our bedrooms. I got out of my clothes, and in my bed. All I wore was my under shirt and underwear. I laid on my side, but I couldn’t sleep. Sadie was really pregnant. I heard my door open, and in walked Jenny. 

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