Chapter 25

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“Oh wow, hey Cat, what a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here” I said with a smile. 

“I was just in the neighborhood, and I decided to stop in” Cat said. 

“Well come on in. You look wonderful, could I get you something to drink” I asked. 

“Uh no I’m fine thank you. Is that your baby” Cat asked as I shut the door behind her. 

“Yeah this is my boy, his name is Landon Julian Weston, after me” I said. 

“Lydia he’s adorable, and he’s so big. Wow, how much did he weigh” Cat asked as she sat on the sofa. 

“Just 15 pounds, and some ounces. No biggie” I said sarcastically. 

Cat’s blue eyes widened in shock. 

“15 pounds! Oh my gosh, did you give birth to the Hulk maybe” Cat kidded. 

“I thought so too. You wanna hold him” I asked sitting beside her. 

“Love to” Cat said. I sat Landon in Cat’s lap, and she smiled at him. Landon just gave her a very curious look. 

“He has red hair and green eyes. He’s beautiful” Cat smiled. 

“Yeah thanks” I smiled. 

“Have you been ok?” Cat asked. 

“I been real good Cat” I said. 

“I’ve thought about you a lot Lydia” Cat said looking at Landon. 

“Is that right” I said. 

“Yeah I have. It’s so funny how we were only together for  a short while but all the memories we made, in such a short time” Cat said. 

“That’s true” I said wondering where this was going. 

“I don’t regret it, I would have changed some things but I don’t regret anything” Cat said. 

“I don’t either” I said. 

“Are you doing this by yourself” Cat asked. 

“Of course not. Jenny and Sadie, they help out a lot. Umm my mom she also is really supportive, and helpful. So no, not at all” I said. 

“You seem to be making it quite well Lydia. He looks so healthy and happy” Cat said. 

“Yeah he is, he’s great. So how are you Cat?” I said. 

“I’m doing ok Lydia, I’m really doing ok” I asked. 

“How’s your husband” I asked. 

“Seymour is fine. We’re doing good. We’ve taken some marriage counseling, and he’s been seeing a psychiatrist,  ya know since his uh suicide attempt, he’s been seeing a psychiatrist, and  he’s doing great. We’re improving everyday” Cat said. 

“That’s wonderful Cat. That’s really wonderful” I said. 

“Yeah he’s also really excited because he’s gonna be a dad” Cat said. 

“Oh for real” I said not realizing what she was saying. 

“Oh wait! Cat! Cat! You’re pregnant!” I said wide-eyed. Cat smile proudly at me. 

“I am, I’m  almost two months pregnant” Cat said proudly. 

“Holy hell! That’s great! Like yeah, that’s perfect. Congratulations” I said giving her a hug. 

“Thank you Lydia” Cat said. 

“Wow, what an improvement. I’m glad things are going good with you and Seymour, that’s really wonderful” I said. 

I'm Having Her Baby (lesbian story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora