Sweet Broken Emily

Depuis le début

Velvette: (determined) Right, Lute, was it? Let's look at the options. We need you looking stylish, not in a party way, but in a professional business way. You are going to be working closely with myself and Vox, so let's try to look at something and avoid outfits that look like something made by Asmodeus, shall we?

Lute nods nervously as she glances at herself in the mirror, feeling a bit out of her element as Velvette puts her phone into her pocket.

Velvette: (determined) Okay, let's start by giving your face some life. We'll keep your missing eye untouched. I don't want to go anywhere near that. Besides, having a woman with a missing eye as one of our employees will get us media attention. You know what? Let's focus on getting you a nice suit.

Lute: (surprised) A suit, like Mr. Vox?

Velvette: (cheekily) Well, a bit more... fun. How about something red and black? I'm sure I used one during one of my model shows.

Lute sighs. What has she gotten herself into?


A few minutes later, in Lucifer's mansion, the group enters the dining room and takes seats next to the long dinner table filled with Hell's most delightful foods.

As they settle in, Lucifer gestures for everyone to start their meal.

Lucifer: (graciously) Please, dig in, everyone. I hope you all enjoy the feast prepared by yours truly.

Before the group could touch the food, a knock is heard from the front door.

Lucifer: (surprised) I'll get it. You lot continue.

Lucifer exits the room as the Hazbin crew begins to eat.

Angel Dust: (teasingly) So, about your... moment you said you had.

Cherri Bomb: (annoyed) Do you have to?

Angel Dust: (calmly) Hey, as a former star in adult films, I have plenty of leftover props waiting to be used.

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Do you have to? We are trying to eat, not vomit.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Charlie and Vaggie notice Emily sitting, not eating anything.

Charlie: (concerned) Emily, what's the matter? Aren't you hungry?

Emily: (hesitantly) Oh, um, it's not that... It's just... I'm still getting used to all of this. Being in Hell, surrounded by... well, everything. It's a lot to take in, you know?

Vaggie: (comfortably) Don't sweat it. As a fallen angel myself, I understand how you're feeling.

Emily: (nervously) Thanks.

Lucifer walks towards the front door, curious about who it is. Did Charlie invite another guest, or was it his overdue delivery of yellow rubber he's been waiting for to make more ducks?

Although when he opens the door, his jaw drops.

Sera: (sternly) Greetings, Lucifer.

Lucifer: (nervously) Sera, long time no see. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be doing... stuff in Heaven?

Sera: (sternly) I'm here to see Emily. Don't try to hide her presence. I know she's here.

Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant