Chapter 35

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(Time skip to a week later)

(Bob's POV)

"So," I begin as I sit with my family at the dining table, eating breakfast, "It's Saturday!! You know what that means..." Louise sighs, "We get to work more in the restaurant. Yay... why are you so excited about a Saturday anyways?" I chuckle a little and reply, "Well, I'll be there in the morning, but you guys will have to work without me once it's 12:30." Tina asked, "Wait, where are you going?" Louise and Gene sighed with exasperation, complaining to Tina about, "Tina, why?? You can't keep provoking Dad like this!!!" I say with enthusiasm and excitement, "Well, it's because I'm hanging out with Mr. Fischoeder!! He wanted to try something called 'testing out the waters.' I don't actually know what that is, but I agreed anyways." I scoop up a bite of cereal to eat and I accidentally bite on my spoon in the process.

(Tina's POV)

Louise groaned, "Isn't it the first of the month?? That's when he comes over for rent! Why are you so excited to see him anyways? It's like you're dying to see Mr. Fischoeder or something!!!" Gene adds on, "Ooh! I bet they're secretly dating!" Dad turns his head away from everyone else, kicking his feet a little. He giggles a little and replies, "It's nothing like that. I guess he's just bored and wants to hang out." Dad turns to me, speaking very quickly, "Tina, is my hair okay? What about my shirt?? I ironed it this morning, soooo yeah. I'm trying not to get any lint on it but my clothes are basically lint magnets..."

I reply, "Uhm, maybe brush your hair a little more to the left, but it's all good... I guess??" Gene is sitting next to Dad, and Gene accidentally knocks over his orange juice while reaching for the sugar, and the orange juice gets everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. Dad sighs, "Aw, dammit Gene, I just ironed and washed my clothes!!" Dad ran off towards their bedroom. Gene yelled out to him, "I'm sorry!! My cereal needed more sugar!!" Mom turned to Gene and said, "Aw, Gene! Your father loves you, but he's an old man, and he's got some weird, wacky old man emotions right now. He just wants everything to be 'perfect', and he still hasn't told me why. I'm sure it's just because Mr. Fischoeder is our landlord, and he doesn't want anything to go wrong. Silly Bob..." Louise laughed, "Really? That's all there is to it? Trust me, I know Dad. That's not all there is."

(Louise's POV)

We're down in the restaurant and Dad is now dressed in even nicer clothes than before; basically in a suit. Why does Dad have to dress so nice for an old man with lots of money? I see Logan enter through the restaurant doors, walking towards me. He asks me, "Hey, Louise! It's Saturday, so do you wanna chill out in the park or something? And maybe laugh at some funny-looking birds?" I nod and speak very quickly like perfectionist Dad this morning, "Yup! Yup, I'll get ready! Uhm, be right back!" I dash up the stairs of the apartment and grab a loose shirt, a hoodie, and some sweatpants. Of course, I always have my bunny ears on. I rush down the stairs and tell Mom I'm heading to the park with Logan, and she says okay, so we walk out the door to the park.

(Gene's POV)

Louise is gone, Dad is about to be gone, who's next? Out of the... entire-ish life that I've worked at the restaurant, I know that it's not a three person job; it's a four person job, at the minimum. This will not be a great day of work, I can say that. I look out the restaurant window and see Mr. Fischoeder in his golf cart. Dad comes sprinting out of the kitchen, throwing his apron across the room and rushing outside. I can hear what they are saying. Dad says very quickly, "Hey, Mr. Fischoeder! How are you? I came out as fast as I could! Ready to hang out?" Mr. Fischoeder replied, "Why, hello, Bob!  Seems like your wardrobe has done you well. Yes, let's go. Soooo..." I couldn't hear anything else as they got farther and farther away in the golf cart. Dad always gets weird when Mr. Fischoeder is around or mentioned.

Sorry for the short chapter btw just ran out of ideas lol 🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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