Chapter 11

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(Logan's POV)

Louise was really excited for the new day. The optimism in her eyes was so bright, you could never miss it. I laughed, " Okay, queen, what do you wanna do today?" Louise said, " Well, I want to go to the store with you." I said, " That's odd." Louise yelled, " I am your queen, and you must obey at all times!" Logan said, " Okay, queen.

I am no match at arguing when it comes to Louise. She's like the Devil of arguments. Just the type I like. I took her to the grocery store after she got ready. When we walked past the vegetables, Louise just stared at the vegetables for a few minutes, then began to cry. 

She went down on her knees, her eyes welled up in tears, and covered her face with her hands. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know why she was getting upset from vegetables. I put my hand on her shoulder telling her that everything was fine. She turned to look at me. She said, " Are. You. Kidding me? Everything isn't alright! What about our parents?" I frowned and replied, " We can fix that and make things right."

(Louise's POV)

The fact that Logan's parents hate my parents isn't the only thing that's upsetting me. It's the fact that I have unbearable stomach pain that feels different than anything I've felt.

Tina keeps telling me that I should accept that I'm gonna go through puberty. It's still gross if you think about it. The sweat, acne, mood swings, unbearable stomach pain. Wait a minute... OH MY GOD! This isn't happening, Louise, this is NOT happening! Stay calm! I shivered. Logan said, " Is there something else going on?" 

I didn't want to talk to Logan about puberty, so I said, " No, it's just chilly." I looked just fine on the outside, but my emotions on the inside were hitting the panic button over and over again. My anger yelled, " Panic! Panic! Run off and do something about this!" My fear whispered, " Please get some help from an adult." My joy said, " Yay! Now you won't be called a baby by Chloe Barbash anymore!" 

I was panicking. My anger was yelling the loudest out of all of my emotions, so I ran out of the store. I could hear Logan yelling my name, but I ran and ran anyways. Shit. I don't know the way home from the store. 

I kept running and crossing roads that I didn't know. I saw Wonder Wharf and ran inside so Logan couldn't find me. Someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned around, it was Logan. I screamed and ran. The pain was getting to me. I slowed down, and Logan caught me. I soon got out of his reach and ran back to the restaurant.

I ran through the restaurant door. Dad said, " Louise?" I screamed, running into the employee bathroom and locking the door. Mom banged on the door, yelling, " Louise? Are you okay? Open the door!" I replied, " No, Mom! Everything's totally fine!" Mom asked, " What's going on?" I didn't reply. Dad yelled, " Louise!" 

God, I was so embarrassed. How would I tell my family? My face turned red. Mom banged on the door another time. I didn't answer. I heard Dad yell, " I'll get the keys!" I wanted to hide or be invisible. I didn't want my family, or anyone, to see me in such a state of confusion, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust all at once. I heard the keys jingle. Oh no.

(Bob's POV)

Louise locked herself in the employee bathroom while screaming. I grabbed the keys to unlock the door. I wanted Louise to be okay. I put the keys into the lock. Click. The door unlocked and I entered. Louise gave me a death stare. She, looking like she wanted to fight, yelled, " DAD, JUST GET THE HELL OUT!" She ran towards me and tried to attack me. I yelled, " Lin! Help!"

Linda ran in, seeing what was happening. She pulled Louise away from me, but then Louise started to attack Linda. I yelled, " Louise, stop it!" Logan stood in the doorway. Louise growled, and Linda held her hands behind her back so she couldn't attack anyone. I said, " Louise, what is going on? You seem liked you're in confusion, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust all at once." Louise huffed.

" Louise," Linda started, but I gave her a signal not to talk to Louise. Logan signaled to me. He pointed to me, moved his hand like a mouth, then pointed to Louise. I assumed he meant something like, " You talk to Louise." I said, " Louise, I'm here for you."

Louise sighed and said, " I guess I've been..." She stopped talking mid sentence. She broke her hands away from Linda and attacked Logan. She yelled, " Just get out, Logan! I don't want to hurt you!" Logan walked out at the speed of light. 

Louise shut the door and held her stomach in pain. Linda gasped. She said, " Louise, do you have your..." Louise yelled, " Mom! Stop it!" She held her stomach in pain again. I said, " I think you just need some rest, Louise. How about a nap?" Louise groaned, " Sure." I carried Louise up to bed, tucking her in. I tell her that I'll see her later. I say when I walk out of Louise's room, " Hey Logan, you can just be in the living room watching tv if you want." Logan replies, " Thanks, Mr. Belcher." Logan's never called me Mr. before. I think Logan might be different than he was.

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