Chapter 7

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(Teddy's POV)

I'm talking to Bob while having my second burger. He says, " Oh yeah. Louise has to recover in her room for a few weeks before she goes back to school." I reply, " Oh, what happened?" Bob responds, " Well, she tripped and fell on her way to school." 

(Tina's POV)

I'm feeling just fantastic. Now I have to get a new barrette. That's the least of my problems, though. I have to see a therapist now because my anxiety got too much for Dad to handle. I was worried about school, so I wasn't concentrating on where I was walking in the apartment. I accidentally walked into Louise's room to see her on Logan. 

I groaned and left before they could see me. I felt like my stomach had bursted in that moment. It felt weird to see Logan and Louise kissing each other. I rushed into my room, writing into my diary. I couldn't stand the thought of that. Gross. I don't usually think that way, but this time, just no. No. I tried to return to my dream world of Jimmy Jr, but for some reason, his butt was of no interest to me anymore. I can't escape that vision like I'm still standing there. Ugh. 

I can't think straight. I've been groaning in my room for - I don't even know how long. How come I can't escape reality and turn to my imagination. It's not that hard. Come on, Tina. Pick up the pen and notebook. Pick it up! My body refuses to move a muscle. Damn it, Tina! Pick it up! I finally have the guts to pick up the pencil. But when I do, I'm at a loss for words. Ugh, nothing's coming to me! 

Please, no! Not again! What the hell, imagination! You could be so useful right now, but you're treating me like shit! What did I do to make you do this to me? I have a tiny spark. I think of the word butt. Okay, good, imagination. Butts. Who's, though? I get another spark. Mine. Okay... so what's happening with it? Another spark comes to me. Zombies. My imagination suddenly runs at full speed. I start to write a story about a zombie high school dance. I'm there, in my prettiest pink gown. Unfortunately, time flies like a... flea? It felt like seconds, but really, I'd been sitting there for hours.

I had to return to the real world and turn my imagination off. I stood up and hid my friend fiction, but as soon as I started walking, I tripped over the wheel of my chair. Great. I had landed on my elbow, so I had hit my funny bone. That hurt! 

Gene came in. I thought he came to help me up, but really, he just came to show me his new song, " Alex." It wasn't too catchy as his other songs, but I said he did a good job, anyways. He helped me up afterwards. Time to close up the imagination theater for today. 

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