Chapter 3

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(Logan's POV)

Louise is not your typical girlfriend. Sometimes, she slaps you to show affection. I've always called her four ears, but I do it with no longer ridiculing her. I tried to hold hands with her while walking to school, but she yelled, " Touch my hand one more time, Logan, and I'll gut punch you!" 

(Louise's POV)

I yelled, " Touch my hand one more time, Logan, and I'll gut punch you!" I forgot Tina and Gene were behind me. Tina said, " What's happening?" I replied, " Uhh... nothing. Logie's just being a jerk again." Gene exclaimed into my ear, " Logie, Logie, Logie, Logie, Loooo, gee!" I knew he was trying to tease me. Gene did that weird thing where he rolls his stomach. That was the last straw. I yelled at Gene, " What the hell, Gene?! Stop!" 

I crossed my arms. Tina said, " Oh, you cross your arms just like Dad." I growled, " STOP. IT." Logan said, " Louise! Watch out!" I was confused, and then I tripped and fell.

(Logan's POV)

Louise was about to trip on the curb while she was yelling at her siblings, so I told her to watch out. I guess I should've been more specific. She tripped and fell on the pavement. She fell unconscious. I told Gene, " I'll be right back to get help. Can you guys watch her?" Gene nodded. I ran to Louise's house, where her parents were just opening. I ran in, yelling, " Guys! Louise tripped and fell unconscious!" Louise's dad immediately ran out and saw Louise. He called the ambulance. He said, " Guys, keep watch of Louise until the ambulance comes!" 

(Tina's POV)

We're watching Louise, worried, right when the ambulance arrives. The paramedics asked us a few of the same questions like, " What happened," or, " How are you related to Louise?" I don't know what upset Louise so much. Usually, she doesn't react this way. Maybe it's something else. Either way, it doesn't seem good.

(Gene's POV)

I helped the paramedics get Louise into the ambulance. One of them said, " One of you needs to go with Louise." Logan volunteered to go. I think there's something going on between Logan and Louise. Tina hasn't even been paying attention to it, but I have. Mom told me that I need to support Louise more, so I'm trying to by observing, but Tina's really been slacking off on that job. Maybe because I've been reliant on her, so she can't do the same for Louise.

(Logan's POV)

I rode in the ambulance with Louise. One of the paramedics said on a radio, " We need to hurry and get Louise to the hospital right away." I held her hand the whole ride since she couldn't gut punch me, but also to make sure she was okay.

(Time skip to in the hospital)

(Louise's POV) 

I remember arguing with Gene and Tina while walking to school, Logan saying watch out, and then pitch black. I woke up in an unfamiliar room, feeling like I ran straight into a metal pole, head first, in the freezing cold. When I noticed an IV in my arm, I started to panic. I hate needles. I yelled, " Get me outta here!" A nurse walked in. Her badge read, " Lisa Kindle." I stuttered, " Wha-what am I doing here?" Nurse Kindle replied, " Oh, hi, Louise, you're awake!" I yell, " You didn't answer my question!" 

I already hate Nurse Kindle. She replies, " What happened was you tripped on the curb and fell. Based on the information, someone by the name of Logan volunteered to come. You hit your head hard. That's why it hurts there. You've been here for just under 24 hours." Okay, now I REALLY want to just leave and forget Nurse Kindle said Logan volunteered to come. I don't want have to encounter Logan's handsome face. No, get out of your head, Louise! I said, " Okay, can I leave now?" Nurse Kindle replied, " No, not until Logan signs you out." What the hell?! Why does Logan have to sign me out. Nurse Kindle continues, " He also needs to come visit you to see how you're doing."

Oh no. I felt like I wanted to just close my eyes and perish. I mean, sure, I loved the feeling of Logan's soft lips, and his warm hugs, and... ugh!!! Stop it, Louise!!! I just can't if our parents hate each other. It would never work out! Plus, Logan's an ugly handsome jerk. I need to just stop crushing on Logan and continue on with my life! Do I need to see a therapist for this?

I fell asleep. I kept thinking about Logan. Ahh... Logan, and his strong hands and his long legs, his green eyes and his muscular shoulders... the shoulders. I somehow stayed asleep through this instead of waking up in terror like the last time. I wonder what that jerk's doing now.

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