Chapter 12

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(Louise's POV)

I wake up, forgetting what had happened before. The stomach cramps before were bad enough, but now it feels like lightning of pain strikes through my entire body. It feels so terrible, I lose my appetite. Just as I'm making my bed, I notice a red stain on my sheets. Oh God... I pretend it didn't happen and go into the bathroom to change my clothes. My pajamas pants are stained red as well. Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm so nervous, I hide my laundry under my bed. They'll never know I'm missing a pair of pajamas. 

My sense of fear screams, " Just tell your family about it!" My disgust replies, " Now why should we? Puberty is gross and you know it. Louise better change the sheets." My anger says, " But then the sheets will just get dirty again!" My negative emotions are arguing and arguing. It's driving me crazy. 

My fear takes control of me. I run down to the restaurant and yell at my parents, " I need help!" Dad says, " With what?" Disgust kicks back into overdrive. I reply, " Hehe, nothing. Just joking. Anyways, bye!" I sprint back to the apartment as fast as a bullet train. I rush myself up the stairs and lock myself into the bathroom.

" Why, why, why," I scream as my anger takes over me. I throw my toothbrush across the bathroom in rage. I take down the shower curtains and throw them on the ground. I stomp on the floors, screaming at the top of my lungs.

(Bob's POV)

From the restaurant, Linda and I hear stomps and screams from the apartment. I tell Linda that I'd better check on Louise. I run up the steps, where I hear Louise in the bathroom. I try to open the door, but Louise had locked it. 

" Louise," I yell, " Let me in!" Louise casts an evil laugh and exclaims in pure rage, " Never, Father. Never, never in a million years!" She continues to throw stuff around in there and scream. I run back down and tell Teddy I need help opening the door. He runs up with his tools and takes the door out of its frame. We enter a completely wrecked bathroom with a furious Louise. 

" DAD, GET OUT," Louise yells, " YOU TOO, TEDDY, OR YOU WILL DIE." I say, " Never, Louise. Never, never in a million years." I say her words. She stares at me, then growls. She yells back with a death stare, " I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT, NOW YOU DIE!"

Louise grabbed the shower curtain and threw it in my face. " Help! Help," I yelled. Teddy pulled the curtain at me, and Louise detached the shower head. She kept hitting me with it, with I knew would send shockwaves of pain through me. I kicked her hard in the shin to have her stop. 

"OW," she began to cry. I said, " Yeah, it hurts! Now tell me what's going on with you!" Louise stutters, " I... have my..." She doesn't speak another word. I come to realization. I tell Teddy to grab a box labeled TB in the attic. I call Linda to come up and talk to Louise. 

I say, " Louise, why didn't you say anything before?" She replies, " Puberty is gross." Linda and Teddy come in. Linda hugs Louise, saying, " My sweet baby!" Teddy hands Linda the box. Linda says, " Louise, this was Tina's. She said that she didn't need this anymore and wanted to give it to you when your day came. It comes with some underwear, pads, videos about it, et cetera." Louise hugged me tightly. Linda adds, " But you know, Gene and Tina filmed all of the videos." 

We all had a good laugh about it, and Louise agreed to talk to us more about her body's changes. Tina and Gene came home just in time to see our wonderful family moment. And Logan as well. He only caught a glimpse of it, but it was wonderful.

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