Chapter 8

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(Gene's POV)

I'm laying on my stomach in bed, playing my new song on my keyboard. The song is called Alex. I decided I wanted to show Tina. I ran to her room and saw her writing her Fanfiction. I said, " Hey, Tina, check out my new song, it's called Alex." I played it, and it's one of those slow love songs. Tina said, " Wow, that's good, Gene!" She did a small clap. I can tell something is going on because of Tina's face. I can't put my finger on what is wrong, though.

(Bob's POV)

We've just started to close up the restaurant. Linda keeps singing that song from the news channel. I think it's called Don't Cry, Baby. It's by my favorite band, but not my favorite of their songs. Mine is Don't Talk, Love. It's a bit like Girls Like You by Maroon 5. There is lots of guitar in it, except a bit slower than Girls Like You. We lock the restaurant door and head up to the apartment.

(Louise's POV)

I can imagine in my head the perfect date with Logan. I picture us going to my favorite boba tea place in Seymour's Bay, Coca Boba. They even have milkshake boba teas there. We sit down, and the waiter there serves it to us. We get one big one boba tea and two wacky straws. Logan's wearing a green and black fleece sweatshirt and skinny jeans. I'm wearing Tina's old pink ball gown. It's a little big for me, but eh.

Logan looks at me with astonishment. He holds my hand to try to read my thoughts. I smile at him so he knows I'm happy. I looked at the clock and it read 6:54 pm. My parents were about to come up for a break from the restaurant to cook us dinner.

Logan said, " I know a really good pasta recipe, I could make you that if you want." I nodded with excitement. Dad came in and said, " Hey, uh, Logan, do you know how to make pasta?" Logan nodded. Dad said, " Great, because Linda and I need to keep the restaurant open, and we won't be up until really late. So, you're gonna be in charge of cooking for most of the nights you're here to help Louise. Got that?" Logan said, " Yes, sir." Dad left. Logan said, " Wanna listen to our favorite song?" I said, " Yeah!" Both of us love Girls Like You by Maroon 5. Dad likes a song very similar. I guess it's a thing in my family to enjoy love songs.

Logan puts it on and says, " Well, I better start cooking dinner." He kissed me before he left to the kitchen. I blushed when he did. 

(Tina's POV)

I heard from Dad that Logan was cooking us pasta tonight. To be honest, I never thought that Logan could be so caring. Obviously, I can't steal him from Louise. She deserves him more than I do.

I entered the kitchen since I was done with Fanfiction. I saw Logan and said, " Hi, Logan. What type of pasta are you cooking?" Just then, Louise entered the room. Dang. Logan replied, " Oh, I'm making puttanesca sauce with spaghetti noodles." Gene walked in. Great, yet another person. Gene says, " Hey there, Logan! I wish I was allowed to cook, but my mom and dad say I might cause a fire." Logan says, " Heh. Well, first of all, do you even know how to cook?" Logan said that as he put the noodles into the pot.

Gene stuttered, " Uhh... I know... how... to pour cereal!" Logan jokingly exclaimed, " Well, that's not cooking!" I laughed. I couldn't help it, plus, I knew Logan was just being funny. He always tries to get people to laugh. 

(Louise's POV)

We were all in the kitchen together. Yay! Now we can all laugh together and joke around. Well, Logan can't jokingly set a fire. That's not very funny, it's hilarious. But my parents would have Logan as dead meat in an instance if he did. Gene can joke about knowing how to cook, which he doesn't. That's why Mom and Dad don't let him near the stove. Last time he was near it, he got his hand stuck in the oven door. He had to go to the emergency room for that.

Logan said, " Dinner is served!"

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