Chapter 14

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(Louise's POV)

I stomped over to Jimmy Pesto's. I entered the doors and walked over to the order table where Jimmy Pesto was. I slammed my hands on the table and yelled, " Where's Amanda Pesto?" Seeing how angry I was, Jimmy replied, " She's in the back!" He then called, " Amanda!" Amanda came out from the kitchen, and she was beautiful. She had long, brown hair that swayed in the wind, the green eyes that glimmered like Logan's, eye liner and blush.

Amanda said, " What did you want, Dad?" Jimmy said, " You have a visitor." I came back behind the ordering table where I shook hands with Amanda. God, her hands are so soft. I said, " Hi, I'm Louise. Louise Belcher. I live across the street, and you're Amanda, huh?" Amanda replied, " Yeah, my dad usually has me locked up in the kitchen to cook." 

Jimmy stuttered, " Wha-what? N-no I don't!" Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't hate Amanda, but the thing she did to Logan's family was insane. Amanda continued, " I would really like some help in the kitchen. Do you wanna help? I mean, I know we just met..." I said, " I'd love to help!"

I walked into the biggest kitchen I've ever seen. I said, " You run this kitchen by yourself?" Amanda said, " Uh, yeah! I also know every recipe." I said, " So, why did your dad lock you up in the kitchen when it's so cool?" 

Amanda's voice changed into more of a sad voice. She sighed and said, " It's because my dad saw it as a punishment. Back when my mom and dad were still married, it was when my dad had only opened the restaurant a few years before this. They discovered that I had many mental illnesses, including anxiety, depression, bipolar, and so on. My dad thought that we couldn't afford therapy, but my mom was defending me and said we could try. They argued so much to the point where my mom was forced to divorce my dad, and my dad didn't let her have a penny, so she couldn't take me with her."

Amanda paused and continued, " My dad then sent me to Seymour's Elementary School, but I was a big target for bullying. It got so bad to the point where I had suicidal ideations. My dad then took me out of school, in around third grade, and I've been homeschooled and his cook ever since. I asked him to start paying me for the work I do, and he lost it. He went on yelling at me, saying I was the most naughty and stupid child in the world. He even took away my room, so I have to sleep in the kitchen." 

Amanda started to sob. I could tell that she didn't want to live this way, and I hugged her to help comfort her. Amanda said, " I'm sorry... it's just hard." I heard Logan enter the restaurant. I looked out and saw him. I hid. I said, " Logan's here!" Amanda said, " You know, back then, your restaurant was the popular one when my dad first opened. That's why he was always jealous to your dad." 

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