Chapter 22

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(Louise's POV)

I'm sitting next to Millie and Logan on the plane to England. I'm in between them, and Millie keeps asking me in a very fast voice, " Will you be my bestie?" I eventually answer, " Hell no, Millie!" 

(Bob's POV)

I'm in the window seat, next to Jimmy, and Linda a few rows ahead of us. Jimmy keeps whispering in my ear, " Kiss me." I groan. I cross my arms, and face palm while saying, " Unbelievable." 

Jimmy creeps his hand behind my back. His hand moves towards my neck. He grabs the skin of the back of my neck, pulls my head towards his face and kisses me, again. I scream, " Ugh! JIMMY!" Someone's sitting next to us, but he's well asleep.

He licks his lips, and I yell, " Jimmy, can't you just get over this 'we're supposed to be together' shenanigans?!" Jimmy replies, " Oh, the shenanigans have just begun..." He constantly tries to flirt with and kiss me. It's SO ANNOYING.

(Linda's POV)

I'm concerned about Bob. I'm convinced he's fallen for Jimmy Pesto. I saw how they kissed back there. I know he pulled away, but I swear I saw him blush. He's never kissed that soft with anyone before.

(Louise's POV)

I remember the day I first met Millie. It strikes me as she begs to be best friends with me. It all started on my first day of fourth grade, and...

(Memory of Louise's first day of fourth grade)

(9 year old Louise's POV)

I'm walking to my first class, which is the the ELA class. I'm going to my seat where a girl who's giggling is sitting next to me. She says, " Hi, there, I'm Millie!" I say, " Okay, I'm Louise..." She grabs one of my bunny ears and tickles my face with it. I say, " Stop it!" Millie replies, " We're gonna be BFFs, I know it, Lulu!" 

(Present Day Louise's POV)

(End of flashback)

That's how I met Millie. She was psycho to begin with. She was obsessed with me even when we had just met. Now that's crazy. In an instant, Millie falls asleep. I can finally relax with Logan. We wake up in a flash. The plane ride is over. Millie then gets up and tries to tickle me, dangerously close to my boobs. We grab our bags and leave.

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