Chapter 13

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(Louise's POV)

I sit in front of the couch, watching the first video on VCR from Gene and Tina. In the video, Gene opens with, " Hello, hello, hello, hello!" I laugh. I couldn't believe that my siblings had filmed these, like, 3 years ago. Tina was only 11 at the time. She said in the video, " This is one of your introduction videos to get you started."

I looked through each video. Each one was funnier than the previous. Tina and Gene sat next to me on the couch in the middle of the fifth video. Tina said, " Oh, yeah, I remember filming that." I leaned on Tina's shoulder. Mom said, " Aww..." I yelled, " Mom!" Tina said, " I have something in my room also that I want to give to you personally." I followed Tina into her room. She took out 2  journals. One was filled, and one was empty. 

Tina said, " This one that's filled has my entries from when I was 11 in it. This empty one is for you to fill out. Put anything you want in there." I hugged Tina tight. I walked away to put the journals in my drawer. 

Logan walked in, and I kissed him instead of saying hello. Logan said, " Hi... Louise. How are you?" I got suspicious. I said, " Why'd you stutter?" Logan stuttered, " I... er,  didn't." I yelled, " You just did it again! What's going on?" Logan said, " My ex just texted me, and she said she wants to get back with me and that she's sorry for everything." I said, " Don't get back with her! After what she's done... wait, what did she do?" 

Logan replied, " She took my family hostage a couple of years ago because her family thought I was somebody I wasn't." I said, " Still, you can't trust her. What's her name?" Logan said, " Her name is Amanda. She's a year younger than me, so she's 15 now. I believe she's the eldest sibling and only daughter of the Pestos." I said, " How come I've never seen her before?" 

Logan didn't answer my question. He shrugged. I face palmed at Logan and shook my head. Logan walked out of the room. I've never seen Amanda Pesto, but I hate her...

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