Chapter 18

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(Bob's POV)

I heard banging in the ceiling of the restaurant from the apartment. I didn't think about it much, so I went into the walk in to grab some lettuce. As I chopped the lettuce, Linda came up to me and said, " Hey, Bobby. Whatcha doing?" I replied, " Just chopping the lettuce, Lin." 

She put her hands on my shoulders, saying, " Oh, Bobby!" I didn't understand what was going on. 

(Louise's POV)

Logan and I left the bathroom. We went to have dinner, talked some, hung out with Tina and Gene, kissed. That's what went on for the next two weeks. Logan's left the house already. I'm at dinner when Dad says, " Guess what?" Mom continues, " We're going on a trip to England!" Gene said, " How were you able to afford that? When are we going?" Dad said, " We're going tomorrow! The guy gave us an extra plane ticket, so you can invite a friend, Louise!"

I knew exactly who I wanted to invite. I said, " I'll go to my friend's house to tell him!" I leave in a haste to Logan's house. I'm running until someone catches my arm. It's Wyatt. I know him because he abused Amanda Pesto. She told me when she was texting me. Wyatt says, " Where ya headed at this time?" I yell, " Why should you care, freak?" Wyatt says, " I care because I think some trapped grill cook told you about me. Well, whatever Amanda told you isn't true."

I yell, " Get out of my frigging way!" Wyatt replied, " Oh, baby, we're just getting started..." I immediately run away from Wyatt with him chasing not too far behind me. He yells, " Get back here, Louise!" I knew I couldn't trust that abusive jerk.

I finally reach Logan's house. I yell, " LOGAN!" I scream at the top of my lungs, but no response. Wyatt digs into my shirt, so I can't run. I yell, " LOGAN!!! WYATT'S ATTACKING ME!!!" Nothing. Wyatt whispers, " You can't run, four ears." I yell at Wyatt, " ONLY LOGAN CALLS ME THAT, JERK!!!"

Wyatt is forced away from me. Logan is in a fleece jacket, beating up Wyatt with his fists. Logan kicks Wyatt out onto the road. Logan yells, " DON'T YOU FRIGGING MESS WITH LOUISE EVER AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME? I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!" Wyatt runs off.

I run into Logan's arms. It's pouring outside. He says, " Did you come to tell me something, Lulu?" I reply, " My family's going to England tomorrow, and they got an extra ticket and said I could invite someone to come with. I'm inviting you." Logan holds me, saying, " I'll come with! I've gotta pack my stuff, but I don't want Wyatt messing with you, so you can come in." 

I enter Logan's house. His room is a mess. He kinda just stuffs a ton a junk into his suitcase. He says, " Let's go back to your house." I come with him back to my apartment. My parents accept him coming with us. Tomorrow, Logan and I are going on a romantic vacation.

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