Chapter 2

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(Louise's POV)

        Ugh. That's how I feel as my mom walks out of my bedroom. Logan looks at me like nothing happened! Ugh, seriously? Logan says, " Louise, everything is gonna be okay. I promise you." Of course, everything was not okay. Now that my mom saw us, Tina would be forcing me to admit the truth. Ugh. Tina. At least she didn't see. I began to cry, although not admitting it, yelling, " No, it's not! Our parents hate each other!" My dad walked by, simply saying, " Hi, Logan." I guess he's not serious about it.

        I walk into the kitchen to see cereal on the table, again. I'm followed by Logan, and I'm frustrated. I yell, " Gene! How many bowls of cereal have you eaten?" Gene replied, " I don't know. I lost count five bowls ago." Tina said, " Hey Louise, why's Logan here?" I muttered angrily, " That's not your problem, Tina." I poured Logan a bowl of my favorite cereal, Coco Puffs, and oops- that was the last bowl of it.

I grabbed myself the gross Cheerios out of the pantry, because that's the only cereal left - thanks to Gene. Dad said, " Louise, you look frustrated. Is everything okay?" I sighed, " Yeah..." Logan looked as jolly as Jolly Ranchers when he said, " Thank you so much for breakfast!" I wanted to slap that smile right off of his face. How the hell is he so happy when our parents hate each other?

I turned to Tina and said, " Tina, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Tina looks at me with a nervous look and replies, " Sorry... but I can't today!" That was weird. What is Tina hiding from me?

(Tina's POV)

Louise just asked me to talk to her in private. I can't leave Gene by himself though, and Louise doesn't know why. Gene recently told me he was gay, and I respect him for that. After all, what's wrong with Gene being himself? He's self conscious about it though, so he needs me for support, especially because I'm more experienced with romance. I did kiss Jimmy Jr. on my 13th birthday, but I think I'm more into the new kid at school, Ash, mostly because he has a mullet. I know that, according to Tammy, mullets are " just stupid fads from the '80s," but I think they're cute.

(Logan's POV)

Louise is obviously upset about something. I just know it. I mean, she's usually mad, but this is definitely something different. Her face was pale, and she was crossing her arms. I just want her to be happy, but something's up.

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