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Liked by dior

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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn and 26,500 others.

@loraineriverofficial: well deserved but late 😒

@dior.n.goodjohn: queen🔥

@User38: I just wanna know who this girl is.

@User3:no cuz she kinda pretty though.

@Classmate3: miss youuu
@loraineriverofficial: didn't you talk shit about me.

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"Mind if I grab this spot?" a girl asked. "Oh, yeah, go ahead," I replied, moving my bag to make space. "I'm Leanne!" she introduced herself. "Loraine, but you can call me Rory," I said. "I love that name. My cousin, Loraine, is a bit of a character. Not gonna lie, she's kind of a handful. She once ruined my mom's wedding dress because she found my stepdad attractive, which was weird since he's bald," Leanne shared, prompting a laugh from me. "I'm serious! He's a bit odd and musty because of being bald," she continued.

"Sure," I replied, chuckling. She pulled out Dr Pepper from her bag.

"Do you want some? I have two," she offered.

I nodded, and she handed me one. "They don't sell it back where I lived, and when I came here, all I knew is that this is the love of my life," I said as I opened the can.

"Dr Pepper for the win," she exclaimed.

Leanne was incredibly funny, possessing an energetic and social personality. Despite just meeting, our energies matched seamlessly, making it feel like we had known each other for years.


It was lunch, and I found myself sitting alone. Walker was a few tables away, and as I ate, my gaze often drifted towards him. We exchanged eye contacts occasionally. I felt a sense of depression, knowing I couldn't talk to him about what was going on. I wanted to share, but I just couldn't.

"Hey!" Leanne interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, hey!" I responded.

"You seem alone. You got friends?" she asked as she took a seat.

"Spoiler alert, no. I've never had friends, and if I did, it never works out. Either I'm left out, or they pity me, so..." I trailed off.

"Fuck 'em, to be honest," she declared.

"Fuck 'em," I chuckled. Glancing at Walker from time to time, Leanne seemed to notice.

"You got a crush on him or something?" she asked.

"Who?" I questioned.

"Him, the guy you're looking at," she pointed out.

I shrugged, trying to dismiss the idea. "Nah, it's not like that. We're just friends, and things have been complicated lately."

Leanne gave me a sympathetic smile. "Well, sometimes friendships are the most complicated, but they're also the most meaningful. If you ever need someone to talk to or hang out with, I'm here."

Her words brought a warmth to my heart, and for the first time in a while, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, a new friendship was exactly what I needed to navigate the complexities of life.

Leanne and I continued chatting, the conversation flowing effortlessly. At some point, i mentioned, "You know, my birthday is next week."

"Really? That's cool," she replied.

"why not celebrate today? Life is too short to wait for birthdays to have a good time."

I hesitated, considering her suggestion. "I haven't celebrated my birthday in a while. It's just not the same without a group of friends."
Leanne grinned. "Well, consider me your friend now! Let's make your pre-birthday celebration something to remember."

And just like that, Leanne's spontaneous idea set the stage for an unexpected turn of events.

A/n go back to my intro page for Leanne and the new characters that will appear soon!!

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