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I woke up early to straighten my hair for school. I'm not great at hair care, so I just straighten it every day. I know it's not ideal, but let me be—I can't walk around school with unruly hair. Choosing an outfit was a struggle, so I settled for a black hoodie, navy blue flared jeans, and my worn-out black Converse. Breakfast happened before makeup, but I nearly missed the bus again, finishing the rest of my makeup during the ride.

I had language arts and then math, but I ended up dozing off in both classes. A girl woke me up just before the bell rang. Science was next, but feeling tired and a little rebellious, I decided to skip it. In fact, I skipped the rest of the school day, wandering aimlessly until I found a cozy coffee shop. Settling in with a donut and an iced Caramel Macchiato, I allowed myself to unwind.

Just then, I got a text.


Are you absent.

Rory 🐟
No just skipped school

Only second day and already skipping?

Rory 🐟
Leave me alone 💔

Where are you?

Rory 🐟
*sends location*
Can you get me my stuff from my locker call me when you get there I'll give you the code 🙏


A few minutes later, he arrived at the coffee shop with a drink in hand. "Do you want to study?" he asked.

I nodded, pulling out my English book. We spent some time going over our notes, but soon our stomachs started to rumble, and we decided to head to McDonald's.

"Can you order for me? I'll go for the medium 9 McNuggets and a Diet Coke," I asked. He nodded, placed the order, and we sat down to eat. As we started on our food, I couldn't help but bring up the Percy Jackson TV show. "I'm so excited for the Percy Jackson TV show," I said with enthusiasm.

He smiled knowingly, like he was holding onto some secret.

"I have to admit," he began, "it's kind of funny... I mean, you love Percy Jackson, but you don't recognize who I am." He chuckled, and I tried to keep a straight face.

Feigning cluelessness, I looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?" He pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of himself on a Percy Jackson poster.

I stared at the picture, then back at him, pretending to be shocked. "Oh my god, you're the one playing Percy Jackson?!?" I exclaimed.

He grinned, clearly amused. "Yeah, that's me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, acting a bit flustered.

"Honestly, I thought you just didn't know who I was, but when you started talking about the show, I realized maybe you hadn't connected the dots," he said.

"Well, this is embarrassing," I said with a laugh. "I actually run a fan account for Percy Jackson with my best friend. I've probably posted about you more times than I can count, and I still didn't recognize you."

"A fan account?" he echoed, looking intrigued.

"For Percy Jackson, not you," I clarified quickly.

"But technically me," he teased.

"Alright, fair point," I laughed. "Still, you look so different now!"

We continued talking and laughing about the show while we ate. Eventually, we headed back to the coffee shop to study a bit more. Around 4 pm, we decided it was time to head out.

"Same place after school tomorrow?" he asked with a smile.

"Sure! Not like I have anything better to do," I replied, and with a wave, I started walking toward the bus stop, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity for what tomorrow might bring.

Silver Screens - Walker Scobell ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora