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For the past two months, our conversations had been limited to school-related topics. We hadn't celebrated New Year's or his birthday, and even after the finale was released, we hadn't spoken. I had only shared my thoughts about it on Instagram.

I heard the doorbell ring and, being home alone, I went to answer it. To my surprise, it was Walker, who was trying to hide something behind his back.

"Hey!" Walker greeted with a grin.

"What are you doing here? What if my parents see you?" I asked, though I knew my parents weren't home, I was still nervous.

"I decided to drop by, and, uh," he said, revealing a bouquet of flowers. "Since your birthday is coming up, I thought I'd bring you these."

He handed me the bouquet, his smile warm and genuine. "I know things have been tough lately, and I just wanted to brighten your day a bit."

I felt a surge of gratitude and warmth as I took the flowers. "Thank you, Walker. This means a lot."

We spent some time chatting, and for a brief moment, the weight of recent weeks lifted. Walker's visit was a comforting reminder that even during tough times, there were friends who cared.

As he left, I watched him walk away from the doorway, holding the flowers and feeling a sense of appreciation for his thoughtful gesture.

Returning to my room, I noticed I had several missed calls from Layla. I called her back immediately.

"Hey there!" I greeted as her face appeared on the screen. Layla looked animated, ready to spill some news. "So, what's up? I can tell you have some tea."

Layla leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You won't believe what Maria's been saying. She's spreading rumors about you and Walker—something about a secret relationship!"

I sighed, annoyed by the drama. "Seriously? That's ridiculous. We're just friends, Layla. People love making up stories."

Layla nodded, her expression knowing. "But, you know, it kinda makes sense. Walker's posts about that girl were a bit suspicious, and she looks a bit like you."

I frowned, intrigued by her comment. I opened my phone and checked Walker's Instagram. I noticed several posts featuring a girl who did resemble me. "This is so annoying. I hate rumors," I said, feeling a mix of frustration and disbelief.

Layla's eyes widened. "Oh, also, are those flowers?" she asked, her gaze shifting to the bouquet on my bed.

"Yeah, Walker surprised me with them for my birthday," I said with a smile.

Layla's eyes lit up. "No way! There's definitely something going on between you two."

I shook my head. "No, there isn't. We haven't hung out much lately. We just study together, and he's been busy with interviews in LA."

Layla sighed. "Honestly, I hope you don't date him. The fangirls can be really toxic."

"Yeah, it's sad to see the hate people get just for being close to him," I agreed, feeling disheartened by the fan culture's impact.

Silver Screens - Walker Scobell ♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat