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Over the next two years, Layla visited me regularly, borrowing books and reading them at an impressive pace. Unlike me, she was a fast reader, finishing a book within a day. Our conversations mainly revolved around Percy Jackson, and we took our passion a step further by creating a fan account. We made edits of the cast, discussed fan castings, and shared our enthusiasm for the series. Surprisingly, our obsession led to the fan account gaining popularity, hitting 20k followers. Being obsessed teens really did make us unexpectedly popular in the Percy Jackson fandom.

It was now November 2023, and Layla and I kept counting down the days for the Percy Jackson premiere, eagerly following the cast updates. "Oh my god, Walker has been kinda fine lately," Layla remarks on my laptop screen as we FaceTime.

"Oh my god, yes, puberty really did him well," I respond, laughing. Just then, I receive a text from my mom saying I have to go to dinner and talk because it's important.

"Hey, my mom says I have to eat dinner with them, so I'll have to close the call."
"Oh, okay, bye love!"

I go downstairs and sit down. Our family engages in a normal conversation until my dad shares some news.

"Rory, I got a good job offer," he says. I feel happy for him until he continues, "But it's in Pennsylvania." My smile drops.
"Honey were moving to the US" my mom says.
"Oh." That's the only thing I could say.
"Hey look it's good I promise if we get there I'll help you become an actress. "
I knew this was true my dad supported my dream of becoming an actor but where will live there is not much opportunities for a 14 year old girl.

"Hey at least you get a good job. They're a good side in this" I smile to my dad and he started discussing everything.
We were moving in December.


"YOU'RE WHAT?" Layla gasps in the hallway.

"I'm moving. I can't do anything about it, but hey, at least I'll be acting," I say, feeling a bit sad about the change.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we can still call. I mean, we do that every day we don't see each other at school much, so it's gonna be the same," Layla reassures, smiling. I smile back and hug her.

Over the next few weeks, I start packing and preparing to move. Layla comes over to help, but she often ends up reading the Percy Jackson books instead. She jokes that since I'm moving, she won't have anything to read anymore.

It's now time to go.
It's December 4th I'm standing in the airport saying my last goodbyes to Layla.
"In telling everyone at school you moved to be a star" she says while hugging me.
I giggle and pull away "I'm gonna miss you Layla who am I gonna talk about Percy Jackson to. " I sat and start crying
"Don't make me cry I have mascara on. "
We laugh and hug again
"Did you make that main account on Instagram. " Layla asked
"Yeah I added you "
"Okay good" she pulls away and let's me go I said good bye and I left.
After all the airport hectic checks and stuff I boarded as fast as I could.


After a lengthy flight, I finally land in Pennsylvania. My dad has been there for the past three weeks, and my mom and I were eagerly waiting for the signal to join him. Now, in the United States airport, we find ourselves lost, with my mom arguing with my dad over the phone about directions.

"Hey, Mom," I tap her shoulder and point at my dad. "He's over there."

My mom sighs in relief and heads towards him. We make our way to the car, and during the ride to our new home, the exhaustion of the long journey takes its toll, and I find myself drifting into sleep. The 40-minute car ride is too much for my sleepy eyes to handle.

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