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Over the next two weeks, Walker and I fell into a comfortable routine of meeting after school to study and catch up on what I had missed. During our study breaks, we would grab lunch, sometimes indulging in fast food or pastries from the nearby coffee shop. On Fridays, our study sessions would stretch longer, and occasionally, we'd even skip school for some extra study time. My mom would come home from work around 5 pm, and we'd cook dinner together. My dad's increasingly late hours at work meant it was often just the two of us at the table. The routine of shared meals and study sessions with Walker became a comforting pattern in my day.

One evening, as we were eating dinner, my mom looked at me thoughtfully. "How is school?" she asked.

I shrugged. "It's fine. I meet this guy named Walker after school. We study together and have lunch sometimes. That's why I come home late."

She raised an eyebrow, her expression curious but lighthearted. "So, just studying?"

I nodded, trying to keep my tone casual. "Yeah, just study sessions. Nothing more."

Her eyes narrowed, teasingly. "Study buddies, nothing more?"

"Oh, don't worry," I said quickly, feeling a bit defensive. "He's just my tutor, that's all." I forced a laugh, hoping to sound convincing. I knew how strict the rules were about boys, and I didn't want to push any boundaries.

She seemed satisfied for the moment, but then her expression shifted to concern. "What happened to Layla? You haven't talked about her in a while."

I hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt. "Our calls have become less frequent. We haven't spoken in four days. She doesn't text or call, and she doesn't even like my comments anymore," I admitted.

She reached out to squeeze my hand gently. "It's alright, sweetheart. She might be busy with her own life. Friends grow apart sometimes."

Then she brightened. "I'm planning to go back to Sweden for Christmas break. Would you like to come?"

I felt a twinge of excitement at the thought of seeing Layla again, but also a sense of unease. Our recent distance made things feel awkward. "I'll think about it. I don't know anyone else in Sweden  except for her, so it feels a bit weird..."

Mom nodded understandingly. "That's okay. If you're not up for it, there's no pressure."

We finished the rest of our dinner in comfortable silence, and afterward, I headed up to my room, feeling the weight of my thoughts.



Are you actually barking.

Are you free during break?

Actually yeah my mom wants me to come with her to Sweden but I don't cause I have no one there

Okay so do you wanna come with me to NYC?
I have interviews and the premiere so I'm traveling on break!!

I would love to but my mom has strict rules on boys she think ur my tutor she'd get mad.

You could pretend to be leenas friend?
Just say you met her through me and she invited you to the trip

Rory 🐟
Wait smart.
I gotta ask her that but not today in like tired as hell I want to sleep.

Oh alright!

Rory 🐟
Good night Walker :)

Silver Screens - Walker Scobell ♡Where stories live. Discover now