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After arriving in Pennsylvania, my dad greeted us at the airport and helped with the bags. He showed me my new room, which was sparsely furnished but had a bed. I unpacked, changed into comfortable clothes, and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up to the loud sound of lawn mowing outside and checked my phone—it was 6 PM. Realizing I had slept for 15 hours, I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and went downstairs.

"Did you sleep well?" my mom asked while preparing a peanut butter and jelly toast.

"Yeah, but that lawn mowing noise is really loud," I replied, pointing towards the source of the sound.

"It's the neighbors," she said. "Your dad wants to talk to you about school," she added, placing the sandwich on a plate. "Here, eat up. It's been 15 hours, and you haven't had anything."

After eating, my mom and I went grocery shopping. While we were in the store, I spotted Leena Scobell, Walker Scobell's sister. Excited, I called Layla.

"Guess who I saw?" I said.

"Who?" Layla asked, sounding sleepy.

"Leena Scobell," I squealed, causing my mom to shush me.

"Wait, like THE Leena Scobell?" Layla asked, now interested.

"Yes!" I confirmed.

"Shut up, no way. You're in the same place as Leena Scobell? Imagine if Walker was there too."

"I don't think so. Isn't the premiere in New York?" I replied.

"Yeah, but it's still early for—" Layla was interrupted by yelling. "Can I call you later? My brothers are fighting."

Before I could respond, she hung up abruptly. "Language!" my mom called out, reminding me I wouldn't get any snacks if I misbehaved.

We stopped at IKEA for furniture and then headed home. After settling in, my mom and I had dinner together. As we ate, she brought up school.

"About your school," she began while serving rice and chicken. "It's nearby, but you'll need to take the bus because I can't drive you. It's about a 2-minute walk from the bus stop to the school."

"Wait, so I'll be taking the bus every day?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. "The bus stop is just a short walk from here. I know it's a big change, but it's important to get used to the routine."

"What if I have trouble finding my way?" I asked, feeling a bit anxious.

"We can do a trial run this weekend," she suggested. "I'll take you to the bus stop and show you the route to school. And don't worry, the school is really close by."

"That sounds good," I said, feeling a bit reassured. "What about the schedule? How does it work here compared to my old school?"

"Well, you'll have a set schedule with different classes throughout the day," she explained. "You'll get a list of your classes and teachers on your first day. They'll also have orientation for new students, so you'll get a chance to familiarize yourself with the school."

"Okay, that helps," I said, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks for explaining."

After dinner, overwhelmed by all the changes, I went to my new bed and fell asleep early, exhausted from the day's events.

Silver Screens - Walker Scobell ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz