Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?

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Bloated astral cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Tang Yun's neck veins pulsating visibly. He unleashed a forceful strike into his dantian, his plump hand flailing blindly in anger but finding no significant target. The resounding slap reverberated, causing waves of shen energy to surge outward. His anguish intensified, and he shook his head in despair, squinting in fear at the multitude of soul qi missiles drifting aimlessly within his fragile body.

Unfair, he mused. A tear mingled with a sob, trailing down his pale face as a single droplet of brackish blood escaped his trembling body of flesh. It slipped past his greyish lips, unnoticed, and settled on the ruined mattress, forming a small pool of crimson.

Determined to break free from the clutches of his weakened and feeble state, Tang Yun fiercely bit his lower astral lip. His gaze turned steely as he directed his eyes towards his broken body. A flicker of hope sparked within him, and with clenched teeth, he summoned his shen once more. His wrist rolling outward, unleashing another shen energy ball, sending it soaring towards his dilapidated form. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he witnessed his idea come to fruition—the liquid shen gracefully coating a small area of his intestinal wall.

With a sense of triumph, Tang Yun watched as the shen adhered to the swollen area. Its presence strengthening and fortifying the engorged flesh that was saturated with soul qi. Encouraged by this success, he resolved to continue his work, focusing on one small spot at a time. Methodically, he covered every inch he could reach, painstakingly patching his body together, hoping help would arrive before it was too late.

As the world spun, pale light crept into his room. Tang Yun silently fought his deadly battle within the confines of his own body. Time seemed to blur as he tirelessly worked, his astral form growing weary but determined. With each passing moment, his skill in manipulating shen became more refined, and his confidence grew alongside his speed. The once-tired boy wiped away imaginary sweat from his ghostly brow, his perception sweeping over his partially reinforced frame.

With a practiced motion, Tang Yun rolled a ball of shen energy from one hand to another, marvelling at the newfound ease of control he now possessed. The power of shen flowed through him, allowing him to manipulate it with increasing finesse. As he focused on his task, a fleeting thought crossed his mind, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch with a hint of a smile. He drew upon his spiritual cloak of pure Shen, he enveloped his astral form, feeling its protective embrace. This skill came to him instinctively, as if it was an inherent part of his being. With a simple plan of action, but it was so crucial to repair his Soul Well before his physical body reached its breaking point.

Fortunate that he was the created of his Soul Well, Tang Yun now hoped that fixing it would be within his capabilities. However, gathering and taming the wild and unruly soul qi energy that coursed through his body seemed daunting. That challenge was best left aside for the moment, his focus sharpened as his black pupils narrowed, locking onto a distant object.

Tang Yun's astral body reached the centre of his lower dantain. In mere moments, a shiver ran through his body, as a flood of memories from countless crises overwhelmed his mind. It was from this very dantain that all the troubles had originated, and he couldn't help but hold it responsible. Blaming not only his lower dantain but also the cultivators who had created it. He saw their actions as driven by self-righteousness, the belief that might is right and that the strongest always prevail. To him, it was an act of evil, just like his current predicament in the so-called "golden engine room" of soul qi cultivation.

Although the books he had read painted a fantastical picture, all Tang Yun experienced was nothing but trouble and suffering. He scowled, deciding it was best to confront the source of his woes head-on. With determination in his eyes, he used his developing spiritual senses to scan for the culprit. Once located, he swiftly leaped onto it, eager to put an end to this ordeal. As he scratched his head and peered beneath his toes, he saw the remnants of his shattered Soul Well.

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