Chapter 5: Tunnel Vision

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March 17th, 2009

10:58 PM

My hands grip the wheel so tight that my knuckles turn white. The bitch in my passenger seat keeps distracting me. If she makes me lose one more race, she's done. I watch as the flag slut walks seductively to the starting line, feeling my heartbeat grow faster. She raises her arms up, a green flag in her right hand. I focus on that had so hard that I hardly notice the bitch speaking to me. I couldn't care less about what she says. I rev my engine, signaling for her to shut the fuck up, but she doesn't listen. Yap yap yap.

The slut suddenly lowers her arms, signaling that it's time to go. I slam my foot on the gas, sending chatty Kathy back into the seat. I side eye her; she looks nervous. 

The turn point is coming up fast. I look in the mirror, Bill is right on my tail. Great. He knows my weak spots in this track like the back of his hand. We make it past the turn and Bill makes his way to first. I know he's my brother, but sometimes I hate him. The bitch keeps talking my ear off about complete nonsense. My jaw clenches tightly. This bitch is done, and I think she knows it.

 I cross the finish line in second place, fuming.

I shift to park and put my fingers to my temples. "Get out." I say coldly. She reluctantly gets out of the car, about to beg to stay. But she knows not to anger me after I lose yet another race. She gently shuts the door and storms off. I sigh deeply, wondering where I went wrong with her. She was such a good rider in the beginning. I guess after the first few months the bitch got a little too comfortable. I knew she wouldn't last long anyways. She always had a knack for misbehaving. 

My mind has been elsewhere all day. I keep thinking about that girl from the restaurant. She was clumsy, but in a cute way. I wonder if I'll ever see her again. I look up from the wheel to the crowd as I ponder to myself. And as my luck would have it, I see her.

Jade POV

We walk down the steps of the tunnel, it was a little chilly, but I was more annoyed that my friends dragged me here more than anything.

"Allison's boyfriend is one of the racers, so we can get a good spot up front." Ev says excitedly.

 We squish our way through the crowd, way more people than I was expecting. We make our way to the front, and I look out to the track. Four cars, neatly lined up behind the starting line.

The first car sticks out to me. It's black and shiny, with the windows tinted so dark you couldn't see inside at all. I wonder who could be in there. Allison squeals excitedly, directing my attention back to her and Ev. "Bill drives that navy blue car! I hope he wins; he always says I'm his good luck charm."

I think about how often she comes here; it must be a lot if she's already dating one of the racers. As if she read my mind, Ev asks, "Haven't you guys only been going out for a week?" Before Allison can answer, the black car revs its engine, startling all of us. I watch as the flag girls arms shoot down and the cars screech as they pull away, the black car in the lead. The crowd cheers so loud that my ears start to ring. "I'm gonna go get a drink. Be right back." I tell the girls. I squish my way back through the crowd.

I find my way to the concession stand and ask the lady for a water. I hand her my card and she passes it back to me with a bottle of cold water. As I make my way back to the front, I hear the cars return. I look at Allison, who is jumping with excitement. I move my attention to the first-place car. Not to my surprise, it was the navy one. The rest of the vehicles follow close behind and park next to Bill's car, the black one coming in second. I watch as a sun kissed girl in very skimpy clothes exit the black car and storm past us. I wonder what's got her so upset. 

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