Chapter 11: Cheater

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Jade POV

TW: Self Harm

March 18th, 2009

9:15 PM

I had the worst night's sleep last night. Every sound I heard made me shoot up from my bed to check the window. Tom's car disappeared shortly after Ev, and I went back inside.

 I thought about it all morning while I got ready for work. Marco had asked me to work a double shift today, so I knew I would be exhausted by the end of the day.

As my last table is finishing up, I look out the window for the millionth time today, expecting to see nothing but 9pm traffic again. But as I lean down to clear plates from the table, I spot it. Tom's car, tinted windows and all parked outside the restaurant. 

I hand my table their check and start my side work as quickly as humanly possible. Marco walks out onto the floor as I start rolling silverware. "Don't worry about it. You had a long day; you can go home." he says nervously while looking out the same window I saw Tom's car out of. 

"Okay, thank you. See you tomorrow." I say while finishing my last roll. I walk out the back exit to my car, hoping I'm going unnoticed. The drive home isn't very long, just a few miles or so, but I keep my eyes on every car behind me.


9:30 PM

As I walk into my apartment, I notice how quiet it is. Ev had the day off, so it was unusual for the place to be silent. I walk down the hall to her door, and it's slightly ajar. I give a small knock, but there's no answer. I poke my head in and see her fast asleep. I notice an arm wrapped around her. That's weird. She never brings her dates home. I move closer to her bed, and I'm horrified to see who holds her.

I remain silent as I watch J's chest rise and fall slowly with each breath he takes. My body shakes in anger. I back away from them, quietly shutting the door.

 My hands shake as I rummage through my nightstand, pulling out my pocketknife. Old Reliable. The sharp blade, still caked in my own blood, glides deep into my skin as I sit against my door sobbing. 

I decide that I can't just sit here while they're still in the house, I can't bear it. I need to get out of here, at least for a few hours. I carefully bandage my arm and throw on a tight long-sleeved shirt and a short skirt.

I write out a note for Ev and J. "I know about you and J. I don't understand how you could do this to me. I want him gone by the time I get back. I thought you were my friend Ev." I slip the note under her door. I leave the apartment, making sure I slam the door as hard as I can. I step outside and the streets are busy, full of traffic. I decide to walk. I don't know where I'm going, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. 

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