Chapter 35: Snake

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Jade POV

April 7th, 2009

9:02 AM

I hear my phone buzz in the kitchen as Tom caresses my cheek. I pluck it off the counter and see an unknown number move across my screen. I sit back down next to Tom and hit the green accept button, putting it on speaker. "Hello?" I ask into the phone. "Jade?" The voice on the other end asks frantically. The stranger sounds eerily familiar. "Who is this?" I ask back, furrowing my eyebrows. "Umm...It's Ev..." she responds after a long pause.

I scoff and hover my thumb over the end call button. "Wait! Don't hang up!" she pleads. 

I look over to Tom and roll my eyes dramatically. "What do you want Evelyn?" I ask coldly. "There's something I need to talk to you about. But it has to be in person." She responds. "Why should I take time out of my day to see you?" I ask, extremely annoyed. She takes a moment to respond. "'s important." She begs. 

"Fine. Meet me at the restaurant in an hour." I say, hanging up immediately. I sigh loudly. "What do you think she wants?" Tom asks, also annoyed. I shrug my shoulders. "What doesn't she want from me?" I say sarcastically. Tom stands up and hugs me tight. "I'll go with you." He offers. I nod and softly kiss his bare chest. "Thank you." I say as we head upstairs.


10:00 AM

Tom and I walk into the restaurant, a wave of anxiety washes over me as I spot Ev sitting at a table by herself. She looks up from her phone nervously as we sit down in front of her. "What did you want to talk about so badly?" I ask in a demanding tone. She looks over at Tom, then back to me. Her mouth starts to open. "He stays." I cut her off. She nods. "What do you want, Ev?" I ask again. She takes a deep breath in.

 "It's about J..." She responds quietly. I give her a look. "Okay, and? What about him?" I ask, growing impatient. "I hadn't heard from him for a few days...and two days ago, I got a call, saying the cops found his body behind a dumpster." She says sniffling.

The expression on my face doesn't budge. She looks at me, seeing my emotionless stare and starts to sob. Tom stands up. "I'll give you two some privacy. I'll just be right over there." He whispers. I nod and turn my attention back to Ev. Her sobs subside and she wipes her eyes. "Tell me why you really wanted me here." I demand. She sighs. "Fine. I saw you and Tom at the mall the other day while you were trying on clothes. Tom came over to me and started flirting with me." She says in a shaky voice. I know she's lying; she's never been any good at it. Tom was with Bill and Allison the whole time. He spoke to me in the dressing room the entire time.

"You're lying, Ev." I say coldly. "Wh-what? No, I'm not! I'm just trying to look out for you!" she stammers. "You're such a snake. Now that J is gone, you want to steal Tom from me?" I shout as I stand up. Tom rushes over, taking my hand. "What's going on baby?" he asks, concerned. "Evelyn claims that you were 'flirting' with her at the mall the other day while I was trying on outfits, which is IMPOSSIBLE since you were sitting right outside the dressing room, talking to Bill the whole time!" I shout, glaring at Ev. Her face turns white with guilt. Tom looks over at her with disgust.

"Who would want a bitch like you?" he sneers. She stands up, getting in Tom's face. "How is it fair that such a fat, ugly, mutilated girl like HER always ends up with someone attractive like YOU?" she screeches at Tom, digging her finger in his chest. Tom's eyes grow dark. He takes a step forward. "You're lucky I killed him instead of you." He growls angrily. He takes me by the hand out of the restaurant, as tears roll down my cheeks. 

His Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें